Retail Assistant cover letter template

To really sell your customer service skills (and yourself) to the hiring manager, here’s our cover letter template for retail assistant jobs.

Retail cover letter template

To help you secure your perfect retail job, here’s a cover letter template explaining what to include on your retail cover letter. 

How to: Write a cover letter

Behind every CV is a good cover letter. Here’s our step-by-step guide to help you make yours stand out.

Cover letter examples and samples

To help give your cover letter a sense of structure, here are some cover letter examples that might inspire you.

Speculative cover letters: What you need to know

How do you get a job without a job advert? We’ve already covered what cover letters are, but here’s our guide to speculative cover letters (just in case).

School leaver cover letter template

Looking for help to make your CV shine? Here’s our cover letter template specifically designed for recent school leavers:

Free cover letter template

Feel like your cover letter could do with some work? Here’s our handy free cover letter template to help get you started.

Graduate cover letter template

If you’re still feeling frustrated when it comes to the finer details, here’s our cover letter template specifically designed for recent graduates:

What is a cover letter?

To help you understand what they’re all about, and make yours work harder for you, here are a few things you should know about cover letters:

How to: Overcome common cover letter problems

There’s no covering up a bad cover letter. Here are five of the most common cover letter problems (and our tips on how you can overcome them):

Cover letter help

Not sure how to make yourself stand out to recruiters? Check your cover letter. To make sure you know everything there is to know before writing yours, here’s our comprehensive guide to cover letters:

Five things you need to stop doing on your cover letter

Never underestimate the power of a cover letter. But what should (and shouldn’t) you include? To point you in the right direction, here are five of the most common cover letter mistakes that could be costing you the job:

Part-time cover letter template

We’ve already covered how to perfect your part-time CV, but to help maximise your chances to impress, here’s our cover letter template specifically tailored for part-time positions:

Career break cover letter template

There are many reasons why you might need to take some time away from your career. Here’s our cover letter template specifically designed for people looking to return from a career break.

Career change cover letter template

Time for a change? Here’s our cover letter template specifically designed for people looking for a career change:

Redundancy cover letter template

If you’ve recently been made redundant, finding the right role to re-enter the workforce can be daunting.

How to write a resignation letter

Ready to hand in your notice? Here’s everything you should include – and our top tips on how to write a resignation letter.

Resignation letter templates

Ready to leave your job, but not sure how to put it into words? Here are our resignation letter templates to help you get the ball rolling:

Work experience letter template

Looking to gain some work experience? Our free work experience letter template will help get you started, and learn how to stand out to employers.

How to add courses on LinkedIn

Your CV and cover letter aren’t the only places you can demonstrate your skills. To make sure your social media profiles aren’t costing you the job, here’s how to add courses to your LinkedIn profile:

Five of the best temp jobs

Not big on commitment? Try temping. To help you decide which role is right for you, here are five of the best temp jobs that you could be doing right now:

How to write a personal statement

Here are some of our top tips to consider when writing your personal statement – whether it’s for your CV, or to apply for a place at university.

Civil service careers: What you need to know

If you’re considering a job in the civil service but don’t know where to start, here’s everything you need to know.

Apprenticeships: How to get started

Thinking an apprenticeship could be the right career option for you? Here’s everything you need to know about how to get started.