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October 2015

How to become a DJ

Whether you want to become a DJ, or you’re looking to develop your career, read our DJ Career Guide to find out the facts.

Video interview tips

Video interview coming up? It’s likely to have a large amount of similarities to a regular face-to-face interview, but there’s a few more things you should prepare for:

How to become a Concierge

Get qualified Whilst you may be able to come into this role with no prior experience, some experience within the hospitality sector will help to demonstrate your ability. Any related qualifications will also show your expertise and passion for the job.

12 things you should never do at an interview

How can you ensure that you have an embarrassment free interview experience? Here are 12 things all interviewees hope they don’t do on the big day, and how to avoid them:

How to: Protect yourself against redundancy

Is it worth insuring yourself against redundancy? We spoke to the Money Advice Service to find out:

Student loan repayments: What you need to know

Still not sure when you have to start repaying your student loan? We spoke to the Money Advice Service to find out the facts:

The top companies hiring in October 2015

Halloween not your scene? Don’t panic. Here are five of the biggest brands you could be working for, no fear necessary:

Which parts of my education should I include in my CV?

Confused about which parts of your education you should include in your CV? Here’s our advice…

What you need to know before you start working

To help ensure your first role doesn’t catch you out financially, we asked Money Advice Service to cover some basics you should make sure you’re aware of:

September 2015

Eight myths about CVs

Struggling to tell the difference between CV fact and CV fiction? Here are eight myths you should avoid when writing your CV

What not to wear to an interview

Not sure what to do when it comes to your interview outfit? It’s time to get your swag back…

Interview outfits: Four ways to make the perfect first impression

To help you pass the crucial ‘first 30 seconds test’, we spoke to Mark Solomon, co-founder of, for his top tips on how to nail your job interview outfit:

Interview handshakes: How not to make a good first impression

How do you make the right first impression at a job interview? Simple: listen to the experts. Oh, and always avoid the temptation to go soul-searching at family gatherings…

Interview body language: What not to do

It seems like everyone’s an expert when it comes to body language at interviews. However, to avoid embarrassing situations, you should always listen to the experts…

How to – Instantly upgrade your work wardrobe

Even for the most fashion-conscious amongst us, keeping on-trend in the office all year round can be tough. That’s why could just be your new best friend…

10 things you wish you could tell your pre-graduate self

It’s an unavoidable fact that life will sometimes struggle to meet your expectations. Life after university definitely falls within that category. But if you could go back, would you do it all differently?

How to become an Air Traffic Controller

Whether you want to become an Air Traffic Controller, or you’re looking to develop your career, read our Air Traffic Controller Career Guide to find out the facts.

How to become an Actor

Get qualified You may not need any qualifications to become an Actor, but going to drama school or getting a degree in this discipline could be an advantage, especially when it comes to learning some of the fundamentals of the industry.

Revealed: What your kids really want to be when they grow up

As part of our latest research, we asked Gen Z* the age old question of what they want to be when they grow up. Their answers may be a little different from what you expect…

New workplace pension laws: What you need to know

Still not sure how you’ll be affected by auto-enrolment? Peter Elliott, explains some of the key things you need to know about your pension:

The top courses to help get you hired September 2015

The kids aren’t the only ones going back to school this month. If you’re looking to learn something new, you should read this:

The top companies hiring in September 2015

September has officially arrived. And with the kids heading back to school, there are now no excuses not to find a new start of your own. To help make sure you stop putting it off, here are five of the biggest brands you could be working for right now:

August 2015

Maternity and paternity leave: What you need to know

Not sure what your maternity or paternity leave entitles you to? Legal & General have put together a helpful guide to fill you in on everything you need to know:

How to: Cut the cost of working

While taking up a job means you’ll have money coming in, often the cost of working takes a substantial amount of your pay check each month. But there are some great ways to cut the costs