GE2017: Major parties answer your questions

Still not sure who to vote for? We can help with that…

With the General Election only days away, we’ve put your questions to politicians from the three major political parties.

And with 1,500 questions submitted, we certainly weren’t short of options on what to ask.

Want to find out which party has the best policies when it comes to all things work, jobs and careers? Just want to get more involved in the inevitable political chat in the office?

Watch’s Chairman, James Reed, put your top five questions to the three candidates; Damian Hinds for the Conservatives, Debbie Abrahams for Labour and Baroness Kramer for the Liberal Democrats.


1. How will your party secure a Brexit deal that doesn’t damage the economy or lead to jobs being moved overseas once Britain leaves the single market?


2. What will you do to protect jobs from increased automation and robotics in the workplace?


3. How will you make sure that skilled migrants continue to be able to come to the UK and benefit the economy?


4. With a continuing gender pay gap and under-representation of women on boards, what will you do to counter gender discrimination in the workplace?


5. How will you stop low cost foreign workers coming into the UK to compete for roles here, driving down wages?



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4 comments on “GE2017: Major parties answer your questions

  1. David Mortimer - June 6, 2017 at 16:36

    The UK is not being offered any real hope or political choice which will allow it to prosper just like before the general election in 2015 when the public was told it doesn’t matter who you vote for austerity will continue after the election. None of the current UK political parties have a viable long term economic policy & none of them are willing to end the fractional reserve banking system putting money creation back in to public hands or to hold the bankers who caused the crash to account.

  2. I_Lucius - June 6, 2017 at 17:03

    I find your comment surprising as the main parties are as polarised as never before.

    As to allowing the country to prosper at it did before 2015…David Cameron put paid to that by offering a Brexit referendum. I can think of no problem that leaving theEU is going to fix and many that it will cause.

    To those that say at last we’ll be able to control immigration – nonsense! There have been more non-EU immigrants than EU immigrants over the last couple of years and the Home Secretary (whatever happened to her?) did very little to control it…but more fundamentally, the problems laid at the door of immigration are really failings in both the Coalition and subsequent Tory governments.

    I agree that the banks have got away scot-free.

  3. David Mortimer - June 6, 2017 at 17:04

    Labour do not want to leave the EU which is a unaccountable criminal dictatorship. 52% of the public voted to leave the EU not to trigger Article 50 which allows the EU to dictate the UK’s EU leaving terms. What the Government should of done & what the next Government needs to do is to repeal the European Communities Act 1972 & trade freely with the world.

  4. roger sharman - June 6, 2017 at 18:31

    The country needs to be more out looking once Brexit is over. No matter what the agreement we are now a universal country not tied to one club. That means we have to be more competitive and more out going to other countries. We are no long bound by EC rules so we can be more pliable in how we trade with other countries. I think it is a great opportunity for the country to prosper and to also provide work for our own citizens who hopefully will be paid a decent wage.
