Accountancy study methods quiz: Which one is right for you?

Considering studying accountancy, but not sure where to start?

Whether you’ve already decided on the subject you want to study, or you’re just keen to learn something new, finding a method that suits your situation is key – and could even make the difference when it comes to completing your course.

We spoke to Kaplan Financial, one of the UK’s leading providers of accountancy qualifications, to ask their advice on how to choose the right study method for you:


How to study

There are many different ways to start studying, some of which may specifically suit your situation or personality.

Some of the most popular ways to study are:


Classroom learning – learning with a teacher in a classroom-based setting, usually with others.

Online learning – learning via online tools, and virtual study methods.

Distance learning – learning carried out via correspondence and live classes.

On demand learning – learning through classes are taken at your own pace, at a time that suits you.


Which one works best for you will depend on a number of different factors.

For example, a results-driven, task oriented person might prefer a flexible study method like distance learning. Someone who values collaboration might feel lonely and unmotivated by this kind of approach, and may be better suited to a classroom environment.

But remember: there’s no right or wrong way to study. It all depends on which one you think is best suited to you.


Which study method is right for you?

Understanding your own personality is a key part of deciding how to study. But realising it for yourself it can often be easier said than done.

However, taking a simple personality test, such as a DISC analysis, is a great way to determine your dominant traits – and using this information as a guide could help you realise how you learn best.

Kaplan Financial have also put together a quick quiz to help identify your key learning style. Here are a few of the key themes, to get you started.


‘I prefer working on my own…’

Perfect for: Online learning.

Avoid: Classroom learning.

Although most forms of learning require a good degree of independent study, the beauty of online learning is that you can take things as quickly (or slowly) as you feel comfortable with.

There’s no pressure to keep up with those around you, making it a great choice for anyone who works better on their own.


‘I’m not good at meeting deadlines…’

Perfect for: Classroom learning.

Avoid: Online learning.

Part of the problem of online learning is that you need to manage your own schedule.

For some students, this approach works well. But if you’re someone who needs others to motivate you, and a clear timescale to work towards, then a classroom setting will generally work best.


‘It’s important that studying works around my schedule’

Perfect for: On demand learning.

Avoid: Distance/classroom learning.

Despite some misconceptions, you’re never too busy to start studying.

Just because you can’t commit to a set time every week to work or attend a class, taking a course in your own time is possible for most qualifications – making on demand learning an excellent option.


‘I want support, but can study independently if necessary’

Perfect for: Distance learning.

Avoid: On demand learning.

Having dedicated support from a tutor or course leader can be make or break for some students.

With a distance learning course, you’ll be able to get in touch with your tutor whenever you need them, without the commitment of having to work with others, or keep to a particular time.

What type of course is right for me?


Still not sure? Click here to take the full quiz.


Why study with Kaplan Financial?

Whatever study method or course you’re interested in, Kaplan have something for you.

Not only are they one of the UKs most respected course providers, offering industry leading training in accounting and business expertise, they also provide a wide range of different types of learning – including classroom, distance and online learning.

Other benefits of studying with Kaplan Financial include:

  • Exceptional pass rates across all of their courses
  • Interest free payment plans
  • Prices inclusive of exams and study materials
  • Industry leading support – whether online, or in class
  • World recognised qualifications, and endorsements from some of the UKs biggest businesses (including all of the top 10 accounting firms)


Find out more



Ready to start studying? Find a course with Kaplan today.



kaplanKaplan Financial are the UK leader in financial, accountancy and business training. Their mission is to help individuals achieve their goals and realise their potential.