Quiz: How well do you know your business jargon?


Are you ready to think outside the box? Are you the long pole in your company’s tent? Are you an upstart Charlie who always covers his tracks to avoid putting the socks on the octopus and getting lost in the sauce?

Or are you simply completely and utterly confused?

However you try and escape it, business jargon has become almost unavoidable for the modern jobseeker. Once limited to the lexicon of sales consultants or upper management, flowery corporate language now features prominently across a wide range of media, from job advertisements to the office and beyond.

Think you know your blue sky thinking from your blue ocean opportunity? Take our business jargon quiz and find out…


If you’re looking for some inspiration, we’ve listed a few of our favourites below (translations included):

Blue sky thinking

Definition: original or creative ideas with no limitations or conventions; thinking that isnotgroundedinreality

What it actually means: Basically, consider all the possibilities. It just sounds prettier…

Close of play

Definition: the end of the working day (will differ depending on role and/or time zone).

What it actually means: A lot of business people also like cricket.

Giving 110%

Definition: Going above and beyond the call of duty, giving more than the maximum effort.

What it actually means: Give more than is humanly possible/ I’m not great at maths’

Low-hanging fruit

Definition: targets and goals that are easily attainable; low-risk, straightforward wins.

What it actually means: Strawberries are easier to gather than coconuts. Unless you’re at the fair…

Thought shower

Definition: a method of problem solving which involves a group discussion and sharing of ideas

What it actually means: Brainstorming (also, the only acceptable way to take a shower with your boss)

Touch base

Definition: to get back in touch; to get in contact.

What it actually means: I may very possibly be trying to sell you something…


Other popular jargon:  ‘leverage’, ‘bottleneck’, ‘turnkey solutions’, ‘think tank’. Where possible try to avoid…