Applying for apprenticeships

Not sure what it takes to secure a great apprenticeship?

With roles on offer with some of the world’s most forward-thinking and well-known employers, getting your foot in the might be easier than you think. It’s all about the execution.

To help you maximise your chances, here are some of our top tips on how to apply for an apprenticeship:


Find a role that suits you

Firstly, if you want to get onto an apprenticeship scheme you need to do your homework.

Take some time to really think about the industry you would like to work in, as well as who you want to work for.

Workplaces vary hugely, from those with small premises and only a handful of staff where everyone knows everyone else, to large companies with several sites around the country. Both have their advantages, so think about what type of working environment which suits you best.

Are you looking for a more intimate role with a smaller company, where you’ll be one of just a few apprentices? Or does the buzz of a bigger company which has a larger apprenticeship programme and may even run their own training programme in-house, work better for you?


Think about location

Once you’ve figured out the work you would like to do and the type of employer you would like to work for, it’s time to see what opportunities may be available in your local area. A good place to start could be your local council.

Many councils throughout the country operate government-sponsored schemes which connect inexperienced workers with local employers via apprenticeship schemes.

You’ll also find them advertised at your local college, on the Government’s apprenticeship website, and also on more traditional job sites which may offer a wide range of apprenticeship vacancies.


Set yourself apart

Just because apprenticeships are in high demand (with as many as 22,000 vacancies live at any one time across the country), don’t be fooled into thinking getting a place is a mere formality – it isn’t.

If you really want to boost your application, there’s nothing wrong with giving the employer a call or sending an email to ask about the apprenticeship scheme they are running. By demonstrating an eagerness to understand more about what is involved in the apprenticeship scheme itself you stand yourself apart from other applicants.

Indeed, many big employers of apprenticeships, such as Travis Perkins, Speedy, EE, Amey or Tui for example, will be more than happy to discuss this with you – after all, you could be just then person they are looking for.

Above all else, learn how to ‘sell’ yourself to an employer. Understand what employers are really looking for in an apprentice, and what challenges they face. Once you know the skills they need and their ambitions for the company, you’ll be able to tailor your application accordingly.


Get your CV sorted

Once you’ve got a good grasp of what’s required for the apprenticeship you’re applying for, you can then put together a CV which focuses on your achievements and relevant skills.

Make sure you attach a covering letter with it too – a strong, well-written cover letter can go a long way to helping your application stand out from all the other applications an employer receives.

If you struggling to tailor your application towards your apprenticeship, don’t panic. Our free CV template and cover letter template will help you nail the content.

Then all that’s left to do is click ‘Apply’…


Feel like an apprenticeship is the right option for you? View all available apprenticeships now.