Step-by-step guide to job posting

Not posted a job on before?

If you’re advertising a job on for the first time, you might be missing out on some key features that could make your ads more successful.

To help ensure you get the most out of the service, here’s a quick step-by-step guide to help get your vacancy in front of the right candidates, fast.


Step one: Go to the ‘Create your advert’ page

Firstly, you need to find the right page.

If navigating from the homepage, sign in to your account, and click on the ‘Advertise a job’ button at the top of the page.


Step two: Create your advert

Now you can start creating your job advert.

If you’ve previously posted positions on, you’ll be able to prefill your advert using these details as a template. This is a great option for those looking to post the same role, or for simply helping maintain consistent formatting for each vacancy.

You’ll also be able to choose the type of advert you’d like to post (Premium, Boost or Featured).

To learn more about the different options available to you, explore your options here.


Step three: Enter job title

Next, you need to choose the right job title – and help make sure your vacancy stands out.

As in the example, include keywords that jobseekers will be searching for, which relate specifically to the role. This could consist of preferred skills or qualifications, experience, or a mention of any other responsibilities.

You could also choose to add a benefit to help attract candidates and set your role apart, such as ‘excellent location’ or ‘lucrative salary’.

How to write a job ad – the basics


Step four: Write job description

Once you’ve decided on your job title, you can concentrate on writing the description itself.

As a general guideline, you should describe your organisation, as well as the role you’re advertising and the benefits of working for your company.

Pay close attention to formatting, use headings and utilise the rich text editor (e.g. bold, italics, bullet points etc.) to help make sure what you write is as clear and user friendly as possible.

If you’re lacking inspiration, follow the tips on the right hand side to help you nail down the finer points of what to include. And always ensure you check spelling before you post (you could also choose to make use of the free spell checking tool at the bottom of the text box).

To learn more about how to write a successful job description, read our guide to job postings.


Step five: Choose your sector has 42 different specialisms you can choose to post your job in, which you can select on the left hand side of the ‘Job Type’ box.

Once you’ve chosen the industry sector most closely-aligned to your vacancy, you’ll be able to choose a role within that sector to place your job under.

Choosing a relevant area will allow jobseekers to see your vacancy if they decide to browse by industry. So the more specific you are, the more chance your job has of being found by your ideal candidate.

You can also choose to specify whether the position is part-time or full-time, and whether it’s permanent, contracted or temporary.

If the position is suitable for a recent graduate, or sits within a Public Sector organisation, simply tick the box.


Step six: Select skills

You can also add key skills to your job ad.

This will allow you to sort any applications received, based on ‘best match’ relevancy i.e. candidates possessing those skills.

To help you identify some of the most popular skills that recruiters look for, the box provided will auto-suggest options when you start typing.


Step seven: Select a salary

One of the most important parts of writing an effective job description is setting the right salary.

So, choose a minimum and maximum salary bracket for the role and add it into the boxes provided.

You may also wish to keep your salary hidden. However, bear in mind that a vacancy receives an average of 20% more applications when the salary is displayed.

If you’re unsure of what salary to set, use our average salary checker to get an idea of the latest industry rates for the role.


Step eight: Enter your location

After setting your salary, follow the instructions on screen to choose your location.

Enter the town or city in the box provided or enter a postcode. If you choose the latter option, the postcode will not be displayed on the ad, but is simply used to pinpoint your location more successfully.


Step nine: Include screening questions

Although this section is optional, screening questions are a great way of narrowing down the number of applications you receive. 

You can choose up to five screening questions, the answers to which must be ‘yes’ or ‘no‘. If a candidate provides the wrong answer, you have the option to send an automatic rejection email through to them without receiving their application.

You will still be able to view rejected candidates, however, by going to the ‘unsuitable applicants’ section of your profile after the job has been posted.


Step ten: Decide where you want your applications to be sent

Your applications will be sent to your email address by default. However, you do have the chance to select an alternative email address if you wish.

There is also the option of sending applications to an external URL, if you’d like candidates to make the application on your own site.

You can also share jobs, applications and candidate lists with others in your organisation by inviting new users to access your profile.


Step eleven: Decide when you want your job ad to end

All jobs posted on last for a period of six weeks as standard. However, you do have the option to choose a shorter posting period, which may be preferable if you’re working to a specific deadline.

You may also wish to add your own reference on the job, if required.


Step twelve: Start sharing

The final step is to start spreading the word about your vacancy.

All adverts posted on include free sharing across your social networks, allowing you to start creating a buzz in your own industry at no extra cost.

Simply click on the relevant social network’s icon to share across your own profile and increase the exposure of your role.


Step thirteen: Check progress

Once the advert is live, you will want to keep an eye on how it is performing. To check on applications and the progress of your job, simply visit your recruiter homepage. From here you are also able to make any edits to your job or end your advert at any time.

That’s it, you’re now all set to start hiring on For more advanced tips on how to really give your job advert prominence, read our list of five easy ways to enhance your hiring power.