Hiring tips
Whether you have hired many times before or you’re a first-timer, seeking out recruitment tips and hiring advice will help you keep pace with the competition and only ever serve you well. With practical, logical, tried and tested hiring methods, including how to write a job description, advertise a job, how to shortlist candidates and more, we have everything you need to help guide you through the process. Use our resources to build a strong and effective system from start to finish that you can apply to future hiring opportunities.
What is the benefit of diversity when hiring?
The benefits of hiring a diverse and inclusive workforce are many, including more varied talent, better ideas, more innovation, and commitment. Hiring older workers and increasing the diversity of your workforce adds value for both employers and employees.
How do I make my job offer more attractive?
To make an attractive job offer, look further than listing your salary offering alone. A well-crafted job advert and description that offers a holistic picture of the role and benefits will help in attracting talent and the best candidates to your job offer.
How do I recruit the candidate who is right for the company?
There are many hiring tips online, but to recruit the candidate that is right for your company, look at capability and cultural fit too – have they worked anywhere similar? Your interview questions can draw specific information from a candidate on this, and you can assess if they are a good cultural fit for you.
What are some of the best tips for hiring?
Some of the best hiring tips for finding the best candidates include criteria setting, creating an attractive job offer, being open-minded. Also, planning the interview process to ensure a positive candidate experience and setting valuable interview questions based on competency and examples are helpful.