Reaching the 1 in 5 Londoners returning to the jobs market

When looking at all regions across the UK, countless research points to the fact that workers in London have been among the most impacted by the pandemic. 

Of the 813,000 decrease in payrolled employees since March 2020, data from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) indicates that 223,000 of those can be attributed to employees living in London. That’s around 27% of all those that have lost their jobs since the start of the pandemic.

Not only has this direct effect of the pandemic stalled the careers of many Londoners, the ongoing lockdowns have put many off looking for work.

Recent research* from shows that almost a fifth (19%) of Londoners have been waiting for lockdown to end before looking for a new job, with over one in five (22%) believing that companies haven’t been hiring during lockdown. 


Remember saying you’d get a new job after lockdown, London?

To subtly remind London jobseekers of their intention to look for a new job after lockdown – and to ‘welcome back’ London to the tube network – is launching a new outdoor advertising campaign on the London Underground.





For two weeks, beginning on the day that lockdown restrictions ease further (Monday 17th May), our adverts – and our accompanying digital advertising campaign – will reinforce to jobseekers the fact that lockdown is lifting, normality is resuming and now is therefore the time for people to step up their job search. It’ll also be the first time we give a sneak peak of’s upcoming rebrand!


And we’re not just talking about London…

Londoners aren’t the only ones who have been biding their time during lockdown. In the same survey* from, over one in 10 (12%) adults across the UK said they were waiting for lockdown to end before looking for a job. With almost a fifth (17%) believing that companies weren’t hiring. For this reason, this new brand campaign from will seek to reach jobseekers across the entire UK through digital advertising. Again, subtly reminding them of the fact that lockdown is significantly easing – so now is the time to step up their job search.



Join the conversation

Keep an eye out for this campaign across’s social media pages: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram and help us to invite jobseekers to apply for the hundreds of thousands of roles currently live on



*Online survey of 2,001 adults aged 18-64 in the UK who are either employed (full- or part-time), furloughed or unemployed. Survey conducted in January 2021 by Atomik Research on behalf of