and Godel win the Mobile Project of the Year award

The Mobile App team and nearshore software development partner, Godel Technologies Europe, were announced as winners of the Mobile Project of the Year award at the Digital Technology Leaders Awards 2022, hosted by Computing. The combined teams were chosen for their work on transforming the mobile experience for candidates.

The Mobile App team has partnered with Godel since 2017 and the teams have worked together closely on the modernisation and re-platforming of the App in order to keep up with the growing demand of the job market.

The judges were impressed with the team’s use of agile development, something that is vital in the ever-changing tech industry, and how the combined teams use agile working to deliver technical excellence within the partnership.

“The Mobile App team has worked hard to ensure we test and validate ideas with research participants to ensure we find solutions that will work for our customers. This then feeds into the work that is carried out by our App teams. 

“We are constantly trying to uncover ways to shorten our feedback loops wherever possible to discover issues as early as possible in development with the ultimate aim of getting our new features to market as quickly as possible,” said Ian Wermerling, Agile Team Coach at

The industry recognition reflects the long-term hard work and positive culture within the combined team.

Tom King, Senior Product Manager at, said: “You could tell straight away there was a great culture that we have built with Godel. A lot of the time when you work with a third-party business, it’s hard to create a team culture because they are essentially a separate organisation. 

“At Reed, and working with Godel, it’s the most unified I’ve seen in a team in terms of culture, and ways of working together – Godel is really just part of the group.

“For me, as well as working with intelligent and really open and creative people who are very willing to try and test new things, I’d say the best thing about being part of the mobile team is the culture and how everyone gets along so well. We also do a lot of team bonding to really cement the relationship within our team.”