Performance Management
On-site course delivery for up to 10 attendees, with study materials and on-site tutor support
Inovra Group Ltd
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This one day course will help develop the performance management skills of your attendees and encourage them to deliver successful performance management in their organisations.
Often treated like a box ticking exercise, effective performance management is actually fundamental to achieving a successful future. Performance management is not a fixed sequence of events, but a continuous process that constantly adapts to the needs of the team.
These comprehensive training course gives you everything you need to deliver an effective and results focused performance management process. The benefits of performance management are profound:
- Improved organisational performance – staff become aligned with company goals.
- Improved productivity – performance is benchmarked to set challenging targets.
- Improves communication – promoting open dialogue and building better relationships.
- Clear accountabilities – a chance to recognise good performance while improving poor.
- Saves management time and reduces conflict – making clear cost savings.
- Ensures efficiency and consistency in performance – building team spirit.
- Clarifies expectation of employees – provides a chance to establish future objectives.
- Defines career paths and promotes job satisfaction – people feel cared about.
- Better employee retention and loyalty – feedback is crucial for personal development.
The organisation that embraces effective performance management is creating a strategic advantage in the marketplace.
Topics covered:
- What is Performance Management? – Developing an understanding of what Performance Management is and how we embed it into the culture of the organisation.
- The Performance Management Cycle – Showing that Performance Management is a cyclical process and demonstrating the requirements at each stage. Including the need for ongoing reviews.
- The Key Skills of Performance Management, including:
- Objective Setting – Ensuring that objectives are clearly defined, describe performance requirements and are SMART.
- Ability or Motivation? – A simple tool to help assess the best approach to take to developing an individual.
- Adapting Your Leadership Style – Applying the ability/motivation tool to a specific work based example.
- Feedback – Identify what positive feedback is, and is not.
- Giving Difficult Feedback – Providing some key tips on this topic.
- Judgemental or Behavioural Feedback? – Ensuring that our feedback is on specific, observable actions rather than ‘feelings’.
- Performance Reviews – Taking delegates through a six-stage process.
- Performance Reviews Practice – An opportunity to put the skills to the test.
- Using the GROW Model to Joint Problem Solve – Looking at the GROW framework from a Performance Management perspective and providing specific questions to aid the process. With practice.
- Managing Poor Performance – Identifying which actions to take and when, with some key skills.
- Dealing with Poor Performance – A defined process to use.
- Ten Ways to Improve Your Team Performance – Tips for analysis and Review. How can we implement these in the workplace?
Who is this course for?
Anyone involved in the performance management or appraisal process. This could include: Directors, Managers, Team Leaders, HR Professionals.
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This course is advertised on by the Course Provider, whose terms and conditions apply. Purchases are made directly from the Course Provider, and as such, content and materials are supplied by the Course Provider directly. Reed is acting as agent and not reseller in relation to this course. Reed's only responsibility is to facilitate your payment for the course. It is your responsibility to review and agree to the Course Provider's terms and conditions and satisfy yourself as to the suitability of the course you intend to purchase. Reed will not have any responsibility for the content of the course and/or associated materials.