1. No formal qualification
What are they?
A course with no formal qualification allows students to learn something new, or develop their existing skills in a particular area, whether it's for professional or personal development.
2. Endorsed
What are they?
An endorsed course is a skills based course that has been endorsed by an external organisation. These external organisations can be industry relevant, or sometimes, an awarding body may have their own endorsing scheme and cover a range of topics.
Who offers them?
In order for a course to be endorsed, the provider or instructor must team up with an awarding body (for a fee). Some endorsing partnerships endorse the provider as a whole, whilst others simply endorse specific courses that they have reviewed. Endorsements are not regulated by the government and don't provide an official qualification.
Why take one?
Taking an endorsed course allows you to benefit from everything you'd gain from a skills-based course - with the added bonus of an endorsement. This could make your achievement look more professional on your CV, not to mention ensure the content you're studying and the provider you're buying from is recommended by experts.
What can I use it for?
If you complete an endorsed course, you'll usually have the choice between purchasing a lower cost certificate from the provider/instructor, or a higher cost one that features the awarding body's endorsement. As many of these bodies are well-known and respected amongst employers, having this certificate might be a good way to boost your CV and improve your employability.
3. Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
What are they?
CPD courses focus on providing continuing professional development in a certain field or area - which is usually measured through the amount of CPD points or hours awarded on completion of the course. All kinds of courses in a variety of topics can become CPD accredited if the correct accreditation process is followed.
Who offers them?
CPD courses are produced by providers or instructors, and sent to a CPD accrediting body to become accredited. There are a number of CPD bodies in operation, and they're not regulated by the government.
Why take one?
A CPD course is perfect for anyone wanting to develop their professional career through continuous learning. They could be taken to learn a new system, gain knowledge on an updated procedure, or anything else that involves enhancing your current expertise.
What can I use it for?
Many employers and professional bodies require their employees/members to gain a certain amount of CPD points/hours per year as part of their contract or membership. Your learnings can be used to demonstrate that your knowledge is up-to-date - whether it's to your current employer, the professional body you're a member of, or to a recruiter you're applying for a job with. However, as there are a variety of CPD bodies out there, it's worth checking if the one you're interested in is accepted by your employer or professional body before you start studying.
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