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Bus Driver
Transport and logistics

How to become a Bus Driver

What does a Bus Driver do?

A Bus Driver transports passengers from one location to another. They travel through local routes, stopping frequently at allocated bus stops to allow passengers to get on and off the bus.They must also adhere to road safety regulations, and ensure all passengers feel comfortable and secure throughout their trip – whether they’re members of the general public, people from in and around the local community (e.g. school children, hospital patients, and the elderly), or private clients.General duties for a Bus Driver include:
  • Checking passes
  • Issuing tickets
  • Providing information on the specific routes of the journeys
  • Helping less able passengers get on and off the bus
  • Assisting with luggage on longer journeys
  • Carrying out basic safety checks to ensure the bus is running smoothly

Is a career as a Bus Driver right for me?

An extensive knowledge of driving regulations and geography, as well as excellent driving skills, are key for anyone looking to become a Bus Driver.You must also be able to manage your time effectively in order to reach destinations within the specified timeframe. And, as the role is based around assisting others, a friendly and assertive approach is equally essential. Those who can’t control their road rage need not apply.A successful Bus Driver will also exhibit:
  • A mature and responsible attitude
  • The ability to read and follow traffic signs
  • Good communication skills
  • Patience
  • An excellent attention to detail
  • A skilled and confident driving technique
  • Awareness of health and safety regulations

Explore your opportunities

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Career progression and salary expectations for a Bus Driver


Trainee Bus Driver

| Up to £13,000

Bus Driver

| Up to £20,000

Senior Bus Driver

| Up to £25,000

Get qualified as a Bus Driver

Recommended Bus Driver courses

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    CPD Accredited - Free PDF & Hardcopy Certificate - Interactive Audio-Visual Lessons - Lifetime Access
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  • Safeguarding for Taxi Drivers

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What's it like to be a Bus Driver?

"I absolutely love driving, so becoming a Bus Driver seemed like a great fit for me. And having been one for three years now, I can safely say that I made the right choice. I work in the small town I grew up in, covering the local routes, so I actually know most of my passengers (those morning catch-ups with Doris really make my day). I feel really involved in the local community, and helping them get around safely makes my job seem worthwhile. I wouldn’t recommend this job if you get bored easily, or have a tendency to yell at traffic. But if you love being out on the road and doing something practical, this is definitely the job for you."
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