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The Mango Lab

About us

We get a real buzz about doing what we do. Seriously. We want you to have the best money can buy. It’s why we get up in the morning. Or when you call we’ll probably laugh a few times and have a talk about your dog or cat. For our students, it’s why we still get excited when you have your ‘aha’ moments, and for our commissions we love seeing you pleased you put your faith in us. Sure there is the business changing hand, but there are also relationships at stake – and it’s important for us to honour both. Since 2009 when we opened our doors we knew we were offering something special. Not just another business but a chance to share in a philosophy of how we think businesses can be run. A chance to change what is expected of service. Fast-forward to today and we continue to strive for this, building our strength in the marketplace one successful client at a time. We look forward to meeting you.

Why choose us

We see the making of imagery as transformational agency leading to discovery, exploration and conversation both in class or in print.


Our qualitative research tool kit uses art and media-based methods, allowing companies, schools and governments to move beyond the big data hoopla and get a more intimate, on the ground perspective for their r + d.


Photography is our DNA. From here all our other practices follow suit. We have been generalists all our professional lives and enjoy having one genre or industry experience feed into another. It keeps us on our toes and is an antidote to career complacency. It keeps us fresh.


If photography is our DNA, education is our modus operandi. We serve a variety of educational needs, from post-graduate level presentations to workshops with victims of violence. Our syllabus covers the practicals of cameras and photography but we’re pretty clued in on post-production software, presentation, studio lighting, workshop research, development and programming too.