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4.9 (25 reviews)

About us

"LearningWhilePracticing" has one of the most practical approaches when it comes to learning. Our goal is to let you be operational as quickly as possible while at the same grasping all the concepts required. Being able to work on your projects through a software while learning it at the same time, is a source of motivation that will make you go further.

Concept: Our concept is to provide for each software, a bunch of "how to do" videos, answering the most frequently searched terms. Because of how dynamic technology is, more and more videos will be added up gradually.

Exercise Files: For each video, exercise files are provided through a download link. That way, you will be able to work on the exact same files as shown in the tutorial and repeat the very same steps.

Why choose us

LearningWhilePracticing has been providing tutorials since 2017 through several platforms. Immense success was met through great reviews and over 25000 thousands worldwide have enrolled in our different courses.

We have obtained over 200 reviews, here are a few of them:


  1. "Good tips on using some of the tools in Photoshop to accomplish different tasks. The tasks are covered in detail from beginning to end so it's easy to understand exactly what needs to be done to complete the task." - Review on our course "20 Essential Adobe Photoshop Applications"

  2. "It is a good choice since it seems to have a good progression without missing the basics of the language" - Review on our course "Python 3: From ZERO to GUI Programming"

  3. "i learn so much from this course ... thanks sir keep it up" - Review on our course "Python 3: From ZERO to GUI Programming"



Provider reviews

Provider rating

{{ getTruncatedSinglePointScore(item.OverallCourseRating) }} Star Review by {{ item.ReviewerName }} for {{ item.Title }}

{{ getLongDate(item.CreatedOn) }}
{{ item.Title }}
Reviewed by {{ item.ReviewerName }}
|Purchased {{ getHumanisedPassageOftime(item.PurchasedOn) }}
{{ item.ProviderName }} responded to this review
{{ getLongDate(item.ProviderResponseDate) }}
{{ results.length }} out of {{ totalResultsCount }} reviews