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Francois Meyer

5.0 (1 reviews)

About us

Good day, 
I am Dr. Francois Meyer.

The International Skills Evolution Corporation (IBC) provides high quality education via online courses to empower each one of our valued clients and provide you with skills and knowledge in your professional, as well as your private capacity.

Our courses are well researched in each field to provide you with top of the range, and current information in the respective profession.


I provide Counselling, Life Coaching and Mentoring to Teachers, Trainers, and Instructors, and Counselling to Law Enforcement Officers, Military Vets (including Private Sector Security), and Emergency Personnel around the world. It may also include spiritual counselling and guidance if required.

Above all, I am an Ordained Minister on an international level with a Doctorate in Theology, a Doctorate of Divinity, and a PhD in Theology.


I mentor many teachers, trainers, and instructors across the world involved in adult education (irrespective of their field of expertise), who approach me for ideas and guidance with "problem" students. 

To me, the student is the most important, and if I can assist the teacher to reach every student, we (you and I) have reached a new goal, and above all, we have changed the life of a student.
I write training material and design courses for international clients, and coach them on "out of the box training methods".
I am a professional Training Counsellor with more than 30 years' experience, a Certified & Ordained Life Coach Minister, a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Practitioner with qualifications in Criminal Psychology.
I also mentor to many training providers across the world in the Adult Education and training industry. I specialize in Adult Education, and as a professional coach, I inspire, mentor, and coach law enforcement officers and teachers, etc. to reach NEW HEIGHTS in their careers and personal lives. 



Dr. Francois Meyer

(DTh, DDiv, PhD)


Why choose us

I specialize in adult education and am a leader in the fields of Adult Education. I write and provide learning material and guidance to many other training centers.

I design and teach specialist courses in many fields of expertise and spend a lot of time on research. By doing so, I also work with a diversity of ethical, ethnical and language groups, often reaching the proverbial "glass ceiling" with students. These will refer to learning barriers, language barriers, environmental barriers, etc. 

I break the ceiling, so you can fly right through.

During the entire period of 30+ years, I have experienced a broad spectrum of human nature and dealt with different ethical, religious and ethnical groups, hereby realizing the shortfall in effective communication, positive attitude and commitment.

I realized that by assisting individuals in recognizing such shortfalls and turning this into a positive mindset, amazing results could be achieved, whether at work, home or anywhere else.

Extensive research is constantly being done on all products to ensure that products remain up to date with latest trends and daily life.

I will always remain professional and reliable, providing all clients with ethical and humanitarian practice, yet meeting all present and future demands in a cost-effective manner.

Dr. Francois Meyer

(DTh, DDiv, PhD)

Provider reviews

Provider rating

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{{ item.Title }}
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|Purchased {{ getHumanisedPassageOftime(item.PurchasedOn) }}
{{ item.ProviderName }} responded to this review
{{ getLongDate(item.ProviderResponseDate) }}
{{ results.length }} out of {{ totalResultsCount }} reviews