Microsoft Excel Programming with VBA (3 Days) & CPD Certificate - Birmingham
Classroom based CPD Accredited course with Post Course Support – All Level Introduction to Advance and beyond
Infero Training Ltd
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New Street Station Forecourt
West Midlands
United Kingdom
This intensive 3 days, hands-on Excel VBA programming course is fully Accredited by CPD and helps you to gain a comprehensive, practical understanding of Visual Basic for Applications, guiding you from complete novice to advanced levels. It introduces Excel users to the process of writing and editing Macros in Excel, working with control structures, developing user forms to accept or display data, validating the data entry in user forms, and debugging and handling errors in code.
This course is suitable for anybody wanting to learn 2016, 2013, 2010 or 2007, as it covers all the aspects and differences between the versions.
Benefits of Studying Excel with Infero Training:
- Instructor Led course in a small group for maximum knowledge retention
- Comfortable Premises with the latest technology
- Microsoft Official Curriculum (optional)
- Free 12 Months Post Course Support
- Certificate of Completion
- CPD Points
- Refreshments
Microsoft does not have a Visual Basic for Application (VBA) Certification, however, if you wish to pursue a Microsoft Certification there is a Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification.
Upon successful completion of a Visual Basic for Application (VBA) courses, you will receive an Infero Training certificate and earn 20 CPD Points.
Course media
Course Content
Lesson 1: Getting Started
Introducing Visual Basic for Applications
Displaying the Developer Tab in the Ribbon
Recording a Macro
Saving a Macro-Enabled Workbook
Running a Macro
Editing a Macro in the Visual Basic Editor
Understanding the Development Environment
Using Visual Basic Help
Closing the Visual Basic Editor
Understanding Macro Security
Lesson 2: Working with Procedures and Functions
Understanding Modules
Creating a Standard Module
Understanding Procedures
Creating a Sub Procedure
Calling Procedures
Using the Immediate Window to Call Procedures
Creating a Function Procedure
Naming Procedures
Working with the Code Editor
Lesson 3: Understanding Objects
Understanding Objects
Navigating the Excel Object Hierarchy
Understanding Collections
Using the Object Browser
Working with Properties
Using the With Statement
Working with Methods
Creating an Event Procedure
Lesson 4: Using Expressions, Variables, and Intrinsic Functions
Understanding Expressions and Statements
Declaring Variables
Understanding Data Types
Working with Variable Scope
Using Intrinsic Functions
Understanding Constants
Using Intrinsic Constants
Using Message Boxes
Using Input Boxes
Declaring and Using Object Variables
Lesson 5: Controlling Program Execution
Understanding Control-of-Flow Structures
Working with Boolean Expressions
Using the If...End If Decision Structures
Using the Select Case...End Select Structure
Using the Do...Loop Structure
Using the For...To...Next Structure
Using the For Each...Next Structure
Guidelines for use of Control-of-Flow Structures
Lesson 6: Working with Forms and Controls
Understanding UserForms
Using the Toolbox
Working with UserForm Properties, Events, and Methods
Understanding Controls
Setting Control Properties in the Properties Window
Working with the Label Control
Working with the Text Box Control
Working with the Command Button Control
Working with the Combo Box Control
Working with the Frame Control
Working with Option Button Controls
Working with Control Appearance
Setting the Tab Order
Populating a Control
Adding Code to Controls
Launching a Form in Code
Lesson 7: Working with the PivotTable Object
Understanding PivotTables
Creating a PivotTable Using Worksheet Data
Working with the PivotTable Objects
Working with the PivotFields Collection
Assigning a Macro to the Quick Access Toolbar
Lesson 8: Debugging Code
Understanding Errors
Using Debugging Tools
Setting Breakpoints
Stepping through Code
Using Break Mode during Run mode
Determining the Value of Expressions
Lesson 9: Handling Errors
Understanding Error Handling
Understanding VBA's Error Trapping Options
Trapping Errors with the On Error Statement
Understanding the Err Object
Writing an Error-Handling Routine
Working with Inline Error Handling
Course Objectives
Upon completion of the course, you will have gained the skills necessary to apply VBA to develop macros, format worksheets, create user-interactive macros, work with multiple worksheets, and perform calculations.
Who is this course for?
This course will appeal to students looking to gain the skills necessary to apply VBA to develop macros, format worksheets, create user-interactive macros, work with multiple worksheets, and perform calculations. It may also appeal to students who already have knowledge of the basics of Excel, including how to create, edit, format, and print worksheets that include charts and sorted and filtered data.
Proficient knowledge of Microsoft Excel. Knowledge of Pivot Tables helpful but not required.
Career path
Visual Basic Developer and other related career paths.
Questions and answers
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Legal information
This course is advertised on by the Course Provider, whose terms and conditions apply. Purchases are made directly from the Course Provider, and as such, content and materials are supplied by the Course Provider directly. Reed is acting as agent and not reseller in relation to this course. Reed's only responsibility is to facilitate your payment for the course. It is your responsibility to review and agree to the Course Provider's terms and conditions and satisfy yourself as to the suitability of the course you intend to purchase. Reed will not have any responsibility for the content of the course and/or associated materials.