About us
First to provide online training when this service hadn't been established. Our courses are approved and recognised by UK awarding bodies meaning they are perfectly suited to help individuals and large teams be industry ready. Over 100 certificate courses available to pick from, train in health and safety, business, food hygiene and more.
Why choose us
Along with providing industry recognised courses for individuals we also have the ideal solution for business start-ups and those established who are required to train an entire team. Training Managers will be provided with an online platform to oversee staff training, logging on 24/7 when you need to and create reports for any forth coming audits.
Provider reviews
{{ getTruncatedSinglePointScore(item.OverallCourseRating) }} Star Review by {{ item.ReviewerName }} for {{ item.Title }}
{{ item.Title }}
Reviewed by {{ item.ReviewerName }}
|Purchased {{ getHumanisedPassageOftime(item.PurchasedOn) }}
{{ item.ProviderName }} responded to this review
{{ getLongDate(item.ProviderResponseDate) }}
{{ results.length }} out of {{ totalResultsCount }} reviews