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Customer Care First

About us

Do you want to grow your business, reduce your customer complaints and motivate your team to do their very best? Customer Care First Ltd is an independent, family-owned company that specialises in empowering businesses throughout the UK to offer outstanding Customer Service.  

We are passionate about helping companies to achieve and maintain excellent standards of Customer Service.  From experience we know that, when your standards are high, your business goes from strength to strength.  To help companies achieve this, our forte is meeting our clients' personal needs with bespoke and ready-made Customer Service Training Programmes.  

Together, we will design and deliver training that changes your Customer Service Game.  

Our friendly, professional Trainers can travel to your offices to deliver ready-made and bespoke training in:

  • General Customer Service

  • Telephone Skills

  • Complaints Handling

  • Business Writing

  • Recruitment Skills

  • Building Rapport

  • Personal Development

  • Customer Service Leadership

If outstanding customer service is as important to you as it is to us, please contact us for further information.

Why choose us

We believe that Customer Service is a feeling!  That's because everything you say and do impacts the emotions of your customers.  You have the power to make your customers feel happy, special, appreciated, or disappointed, frustrated, and even angry - one of the strongest human emotions.  Research says that approximately 80% of decisions are based on emotions, and your customers are constantly making emotional decisions about whether to keep giving you their business.  So that's what makes CCF Training different -  the foundation of all of our courses is the power of positively impacting your customers' emotions.

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel". Maya Angelou
