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Developing Web Applications with ASP.NET

Impartica IT Training


£1,194 inc VAT
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Study method
2 days · Part-time
No formal qualification
  • Certificate of completion - Free
Additional info
  • Tutor is available to students

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This course introduces delegates to ASP.NET, the web application framework that developers can use to build dynamic, data-driven web applications.

Delegates learn how to build web forms, to add controls, validation and security, to manage state and to interact with data sources (RDBMS, XML and text files). They will also learn how to make use of Master Pages to provide a consistent look and feel to their applications and how to use the Web.config file to configure their applications.

The course is suitable for both C# and VB (VB.NET or later) developers - please specify which language you would prefer your course materials to be in at the time you book.

Please note this course does NOT cover ASP.NET MVC.


Certificate of completion

Digital certificate - Included


Introduction to ASP.NET

  • What is .NET?
  • ASP.NET Key concepts
  • Makeup of an ASP.NET page
  • Code behind vs inline
  • Referring to controls in the code
  • Event code
  • Setting the properties of a control
  • Postbacks
  • The AutoPostBack Property
  • The IsPostback page property
  • Creating a new web site in Visual Studio
  • Adding pages in Visual Studio
  • Adding a web form

Introducing ASP.NET Server Controls

  • Introduction to Web Controls
  • Developing the markup in Visual Studio
  • Design view / source view
  • Adding a server control to a page
  • Setting server control properties
  • Accessing controls in code
  • Server control member
  • Sub Properties
  • Simple ASP.NET Server controls
  • The Literal Control
  • The TextBox Control
  • The Label Control
  • The Button Control
  • Linking event handling code
  • Event handler arguments

More ASP.NET Server Controls

  • More on the Button Control
  • Command Buttons
  • The HyperLink Control
  • The LinkButton Control
  • The ImageButton Control
  • The CheckBox Control
  • The RadioButton Control
  • The RadioButton GroupName property
  • The Image control
  • The Panel Control
  • Controlling focus

List controls

  • ASP.NET List Controls
  • ListControl properties and events
  • The CheckBoxList Control
  • The CheckBoxList control in code
  • The RadioButtonList Control
  • The DropDownList control
  • The ListBox control
  • The BulletedList control

Validation controls

  • The need for validation
  • ASP.NET validation controls
  • ASP.NET: validation control types
  • Using the validation controls
  • Client side validation
  • Server side validation
  • Validation control properties
  • The RequiredFieldValidator control
  • The RequiredFieldValidator InitialValue property
  • The CompareValidator control
  • More CompareValidator Properties
  • Data type checking
  • The RangeValidator Control
  • The RegularExpressionValidator control
  • Regular Expressions
  • Regular Expression Editor
  • Validation controls Display property
  • The CustomValidator Control
  • Server side custom validation
  • Client side custom validation
  • The ValidationSummary control
  • ValidationSummary control display options
  • Checking validity in code
  • Validation Groups

Themes and Skins

  • What are Themes?
  • Themes vs CSS
  • Theme Folders
  • Global Themes
  • Contents of a Theme
  • Creating a new Theme in Visual Studio
  • Skins
  • Applying a Theme to a Page
  • Applying a Theme to a Page programmatically
  • Theme behaviour
  • The StyleSheetTheme property
  • Named Skins
  • Organizing Skin Files
  • Disabling Theming
  • Applying Themes to all Pages
  • Master Pages
  • Adding a Master Page
  • Designing a Master Page
  • Markup in Master Pages
  • Content pages
  • Basing a new content page on a Master Page
  • Basing an existing content page on a Master Page
  • Default Master Page Content
  • Nested Master Pages


  • Configuration in ASP.NET
  • web.config contents
  • Handing errors
  • Redirecting users on error
  • The Configuration File Hierarchy
  • The machine.config file
  • The root web.config file
  • Further web.config files
  • Adding further web.config files
  • Overriding settings in a directory level web.config file
  • Using the <location> element
  • Configuration file contents
  • The system.web element
  • Tools for changing web.config settings
  • Using the Web Site Administration Tool
  • Custom App Settings
  • Referring to application settings and connection strings in code
  • Other configuration sections in code
  • External Configuration files
  • Using External Configuration files
  • The external configuration file
  • Encrypting Configuration Sections
  • Encryption providers
  • Encrypting configuration sections
  • Encrypting configuration sections in code

State management

  • What is state management?
  • State levels
  • Page State
  • The need for ViewState
  • Adding custom values to ViewState
  • Disabling ViewState
  • Encrypting ViewState for a page
  • Encrypting ViewState across the application
  • Session State
  • Storing Objects in Session State
  • The Session Object
  • Application State
  • Locking and Unlocking Application State
  • User data: Cookies
  • Cookies in ASP.NET
  • Cookies with More Than One Value
  • Notes for the use of Cookies

Session State options

  • Session ID options
  • Cookieless SessionIDs
  • Session State mode options
  • In Process Session State Mode
  • State Server Mode
  • Storing Session State data in SQL Server
  • Preparing the SQL Server database
  • SQL Server database session state

ASP.NET Membership Features

  • ASP.NET Membership Features
  • Features of ASP.NET Membership Features
  • Authentication types
  • Selecting authentication type
  • Selecting Authentication Type In the Web Application Administration Tool
  • Adding users
  • Roles
  • Enabling role support
  • Enabling roles in the Web Site Administration Tool
  • Managing roles with the Web Site Administration Tool
  • Managing Membership in code
  • The MembershipUser Class
  • MembershipUser Properties and Methods
  • The Roles Class
  • ASP.NET authorization
  • ASP.NET Membership Controls
  • The Login Control
  • Login Control Properties and Events
  • Converting the Login control to a template
  • The Login control as a template
  • The CreateUserWizard Control
  • The LoginName Control
  • The LoginStatus Control
  • The LoginStatus Control Views
  • The LoginView Control
  • LoginView Control Views
  • The LoginView Control and roles
  • The ChangePassword Control
  • Customising the ChangePassword Control
  • The PasswordRecovery Control

Connected data access with ADO.NET

  • What is ADO.NET?
  • ADO.NET namespaces
  • High level data access process
  • Creating a connection object
  • Storing connection strings in web.config
  • Command objects
  • CommandType and CommandText
  • Command object methods
  • Disposing of resources
  • The Using/using statement
  • ExecuteNonQuery
  • ExecuteScalar
  • ExecuteReader
  • Data readers
  • Command parameters
  • Adding parameters to commands

ADO.NET disconnected data access

  • The DataTable Object
  • The DataColumn object
  • The DataRow object
  • Manually creating and filling a datatable
  • The Rows collection
  • The Columns collection
  • The DataSet object
  • Data adapters
  • Data adapter properties
  • Working with data locally
  • Filling a DataTable with a data adapter

Data Binding

  • What is Data Binding?
  • ASP.NET’s Data Bound Controls
  • Binding a DataTable to a DropDownList
  • Which ASP.NET Controls can be bound to data?
  • Data Source Controls
  • ASP.NET Data Source Controls
  • The SqlDataSource Control
  • Visual Studio support for Data Source controls
  • Visual Studio support for SqlDataSource controls
  • Adding support for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE
  • Binding a control to a Data Source control
  • Data source controls with parameters
  • SelectCommand with parameter
  • The ObjectDataSource Control
  • The XmlDataSource Control

GridViews, FormViews and DetailsViews

  • The GridView control
  • Sorting, paging, inserting, updating and deleting
  • GridView allowing sorting, paging, inserting, updating and deleting
  • The DetailsView Control
  • DetailsView BoundFields
  • DetailsView TemplateFields
  • Converting a BoundField to a TemplateField
  • Editing a template
  • The FormView Control

Who is this course for?

This course is for anyone who wants to learn ASP.Net


Students are expected to have experience of either C# or VB (VB.NET or later). Those who do not may want to consider the C# or VB 2008 courses. Some understanding of HTML will also be an advantage and delegates without this knowledge are encouraged to self-study in this area prior to the course.

Please note this course does NOT cover ASP.NET MVC.

Career path

These skills could be useful for anyone in a role that requires knowledge of ASP.Net

Questions and answers


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