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2 - Goals _ Fundamentals

Secrets Of Psychology - Why People Do The Things They Do

by Advanced Ideas

Course overview

What you'll learn

  • Gain A Deep Understanding Of The Values And Beliefs That Drive People’s Every Action

  • Release Yourself From Emotional Pain And Frustration By Discovering How Emotions Really Work And How You Can Gain Greater Mastery

  • Breakthrough Personal Illusions And Unleash Your Hidden Potential

  • Gain Hidden Knowledge Of What Drives Motivation - The Master Key To Success

  • Discover How The “Imprint Period” Has Literally Programmed You For Life … And How To Reprogram It

  • Discover How Pain & Pleasure Rule You Life … And The Secret Of How To Make This Work For You Instead Of Against You

  • See How False Personas Drive The Habits And Behaviors Of Yourself And Others … Take Back Control And Free Yourself

  • Learn How Self-Image Determines What You Will And Won’t Do … And So Much More!

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"Prof. Paul" - Serial Entrepreneur and Business, Psychology & Health/Fitness Expert. CEO at Advanced Ideas, Inc, Award Winning University Professor, Therapist, Corporate Trainer... Read more