Highfield Awarding Body for Compliance awarding body
What we're all about
We’re a global leader in compliance and work-based learning and apprenticeship qualifications, regulated by Ofqual, Qualifications Wales, SQA Accreditation, the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA), and the Security Industry Authority (SIA).
We’re also one of the UK’s 5 largest awarding organisations and the leading awarding organisation for compliance qualifications covering subjects such as food safety, health and safety, and security.
We provide over 250 work-based learning, apprenticeship and compliance qualifications to thousands of approved training centres, spread across 50 countries. These cover multiple sectors such as retail, health and social care, finance, customer service, rail and engineering, hospitality, logistics, aviation and many more.
We’re even able to accredit your bespoke training programmes, which will give you an edge over your competitors.