Life's Work: How to get ahead in a career you love
Learn how to build a successful career with James Reed CBE & Steph Rix
Reed Business School
- Reed Courses Certificate of Completion - £10
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Searching for a new job but can't seem to land the role you want?
Feeling trapped in your current role but can't figure out what to do next?
Longing for a career in a different sector but don't know if your skills match up?
...Then this career development course is for you.
Hosted by Reed’s Chairman and CEO, James Reed CBE, and Executive Coach, Steph Rix, this on-demand, self-paced course is jam-packed with insightful videos, activities, and resources that will help you land and excel in your dream job.
You'll get access to a range of career-boosting insights, as well as tips, tricks and coaching exercises for acing your next interview, growing your network, and understanding the current job market so you can make the right decisions for your career.
So, whether you want a promotion, are thinking about changing jobs, or are in the process of looking for work, this course has everything you need to get ahead in a career you love.
Reed Courses Certificate of Completion
Digital certificate - £10
Will be downloadable when all lectures have been completed.
Course media
About this course
This career development course includes seven info-packed modules to help you build a successful career.
You'll get:
- Insights from Reed’s Chairman and CEO, James Reed CBE, drawing on his decades of experience in business and recruitment, as well as his book Life's Work
- Expert career guidance from Executive Coach and Founder of Life's Work Consulting, Steph Rix, who's been working as a career and leadership coach for years
- Powerful coaching tools and techniques that will help you grow in your career
- Insider perspectives on essential career topics such as networking and the current job market
- Coaching style videos led by Steph Rix, who will guide you through your career change or job
search journey
- Activities to help you understand your values, network online, ace your next interview and much more
What this course covers:
Module 1: Your best career starts here
Discover what the five fundamentals of career success are and how they can transform your career for the better
- Our ambition for you (Video)
- The five fundamentals of career success (Video)
- How to get the most out of this course (Coaching video)
- Visualising your ideal role (Coaching video)
- Module 1 workbook (includes a range of activities and resources for setting goals and understanding what you want)
Module 2: Look in the mirror
Discover what really makes you tick and how to use that knowledge to drive your career forward
- Understanding your purpose (Video)
- What are values? (Video)
- How to uncover your values (Coaching video)
- Knowing your strengths (Coaching video)
- Strengths at your best (Coaching video)
- Module 2 workbook (includes a range of activities and resources for understanding your purpose, strengths, and values)
Module 3: Building connections
Discover how to network like a pro both online and in person
- The value of broadening your network (Video)
- How to get over yourself when networking (Video)
- How to start building your network (Coaching video)
- Your fab 50 list (Coaching video)
- How to network in a virtual world (Coaching video)
- Module 3 workbook (includes a range of activities and resources for growing your network and reaching out to potential contacts)
Module 4: Finding your flow
Discover which jobs and sectors are in demand right now and whether you have the right skills to apply for them
- Fast-flowing sectors (Video)
- How to narrow down your career choices (Coaching video)
- Module 4 workbook (includes a range of activities and resources for narrowing down your career choices)
Module 5: Be prepared
Discover insider tips for making the best impression at your next interview
- How to be a preparation ninja (Video)
- How to ace your next interview (Coaching video)
- How to nail virtual interviews (Coaching video)
- Module five workbook (includes a range of activities and resources for answering tricky interview questions with ease)
Module 6: Career resilience
Discover the simplest way to deal with even the most challenging setbacks
- How good habits can help you deal with setbacks (Video)
- How to future-proof your career (Video)
- Mindset tips for career resilience - What if? (Coaching video)
- Mindset tips for career resilience - Dealing with your inner critic (Coaching video)
- Mindset tips for career resilience - The CAKES method (Coaching video)
- Module 6 workbook (includes a range of activities and resources for getting into the right mindset for your job search)
Module 7: Change your work, change your life
Discover how being selfish can actually be a good thing
- How to be sustainably selfish (Video)
- Change your work, change your life (Video)
- Your career action plan
Who is this course for?
This course is for anyone who's looking for a new job or career and wants to give themselves the best possible chance at career success.
There are no requirements for taking this course.
Career path
Wherever you are on your career journey, this course will guide you through your next steps to success.
Legal information
This course is advertised on Reed.co.uk by the Course Provider, whose terms and conditions apply. Purchases are made directly from the Course Provider, and as such, content and materials are supplied by the Course Provider directly. Reed is acting as agent and not reseller in relation to this course. Reed's only responsibility is to facilitate your payment for the course. It is your responsibility to review and agree to the Course Provider's terms and conditions and satisfy yourself as to the suitability of the course you intend to purchase. Reed will not have any responsibility for the content of the course and/or associated materials.