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Justice Key Worker

27 February by Trigon Recruitment

Job Title: Justice Key Worker Salary: Up to 29,000 DOE Location: HMP Wayland Job Purpose The Justice Key Worker will manage a caseload of participants in custody and the community, providing tailored support to help them overcome barriers, develop sk...

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Justice Key Worker

7 February by Trigon Recruitment

Job Title: Justice Key Worker Salary: 25,538 - 31,166 Location: HMP Peterborough (Community working in Peterborough and Wisbech) Job Purpose The Justice Key Worker will manage a caseload of participants in custody and the community, providing tailore...

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Justice Team Manager

7 February by Trigon Recruitment

Job Title: Justice Team Manager Salary: 34,104 - 39,789 Location: Peterborough - North of the East of England (Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire) Job Purpose The Justice Team Manager oversees the operational delivery of CFO Evolution in custody...

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There are 3 Education Officer jobs within 10 miles of Norfolk on right now.

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