Amber Therapeutics Ltd Logo

Working at Amber Therapeutics Ltd

What we do

Developing the next-generation of bioelectrical therapies that can sense and adapt as well as stimulate, with the potential to radically improve clinical outcomes in patients with functional disorders of the peripheral nervous system

Our core technology leverages closed-loop intelligence to create synthetic reflex arcs that sense, interpret, adapt and respond precisely to each individual patient – restoring normal physiological function.

Our goal is to upgrade from the existing neuromodulation landscape, which is largely stimulation only and where there has been little therapy innovation over the past 20 years. In so doing, we aim for a revolutionary rather than evolutionary approach to significantly improve outcomes for patients.

The Company was spun out from the University of Oxford in 2021 with funding from Oxford Science Enterprises, 8VC and a UKRI Biomedical Catalyst grant.