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Fraud Handler

We are currently recruiting on behalf of a leading Insurance Company based in Chelmsford who are looking to appoint a Fraud Handler. This is a fantastic opportunity to work for an award-winning business, who reward their employees with a competitive ...

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Executive Complaints Lead

29 January by Reed

Senior Complaints Lead Location: Pitsea Job Type: Temporary (Immediate Start) Hourly Rate: PAYE 15.84 / 21.89 umbrella We are seeking a Senior Complaints Lead to manage and respond to escalated complaints and enquiries sent to the CEO’s office or rai...

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Executive Complaints Lead

29 January by Reed

Senior Complaints Lead Location: Pitsea Job Type: Temporary (Immediate Start) Hourly Rate: PAYE 15.84 / 21.89 umbrella We are seeking a Senior Complaints Lead to manage and respond to escalated complaints and enquiries sent to the CEO’s office or rai...

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Executive Complaints Lead

29 January by Reed

Senior Complaints Lead Location: Pitsea Job Type: Temporary (Immediate Start) Hourly Rate: PAYE 15.84 / 21.89 umbrella We are seeking a Senior Complaints Lead to manage and respond to escalated complaints and enquiries sent to the CEO’s office or rai...

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Executive Complaints Lead

29 January by Reed

Senior Complaints Lead Location: Pitsea Job Type: Temporary (Immediate Start) Hourly Rate: PAYE 15.84 / 21.89 umbrella We are seeking a Senior Complaints Lead to manage and respond to escalated complaints and enquiries sent to the CEO’s office or rai...

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There are 5 Fraud Investigator jobs within 10 miles of Wickford on right now.

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