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Working at Speedy Mentors

What we do

Speedy Mentors strives to change this archaic approach to mentorship by bringing the function online and making it remote and flexible. Through the Speedy Mentors online platform, anyone can have access to a mentor in the Tech sector or subject of interest. Interested candidates can view the profiles of different mentors to discover their areas of specialisation and the kind of support they can provide to mentees. From there, they can book a mentor and enter into a mentoring relationship which can either be long and structured or a one-time, focused engagement.

The Speedy Mentors platform also offers one-on-one sessions between the mentor and mentee. Through this, mentees can ask questions, receive advice in settling into a new role, gain deeper insights into a particular sector, or discuss their professional career and goals. Also, as everything takes place online, the mentorship itself can be done as and when both the mentor and mentee are available. They can continue with their existing commitments and set a mentoring schedule that works for both of them.

Speedy Mentors offer several mentorship options for those interested in trying their service. Those wanting comprehensive guidance and consistent support in specific challenges may opt for longer mentorships that can go for days, weeks or months. Those who wish for immediate assistance for urgent professional development or career-related issues may settle with brief mentorship engagements that can last for 30 minutes to an hour or more.


Speedy Mentors delivers practical programs that are proven to bring positive results in candidates' careers.

What you'll get

  • Career progressionWe always promote internally
  • Equality & diversityDiverse Workforce

Who you'll work with


We know that the old-school model of learning facts passively is no longer enough to prepare candidates to survive the tough job market. That inspired us to design all our programs to be project-based and expert-led. For 12 weeks, candidates get the chance to do projects and tasks, exploring complex challenges that reflect the realities of a sector or role they want to pursue and discovering solutions to those challenges. Along the way, they are guided and supported by an expert mentor from an industry-leading company. With these dynamic approaches, we help candidates stimulate their intrinsic curiosity, focus on real issues and find ways to address them, receive advice and feedback, and build in-demand skills and experiences that will distinguish them from other candidates in the job market.

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