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Working at Powershop UK

What we do

We’re changing the way you buy your energy by giving you a better way of doing it. We’re loved in New Zealand and Australia and, having proven ourselves down under, we’re bringing big energy savings and a better, more switched-on energy experience to the UK.

Powershop is changing the way consumers purchase power. In essence, it’s an online shop where consumers can buy energy at the click of a button, all from their mobile. It has delivered fantastic results for customers with market-topping satisfaction levels, since its conception in 2009. 


Who you'll work with

There is one thing all Powershop people have in common, and it’s the first thing we look for in future recruits — we all give a shit.

We want people who are passionate about what they do and who they do it for. Who believe that they can make a difference as an individual. People with the chutzpah to believe that they can radically transform an industry. It makes for a dynamic workplace – it’s fast paced, fun, results-focused and rewarding.

Sound like the place to be?

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