DOPOMOGA GROUP is a leader in the staffing industry. DOPOMOGA GROUP has operated since 1994. 43% of Global 500, represented in Ukraine, are served by DOPOMOGA GROUP.
The largest amount of the Fortune Global 500 customers is engaged in Food Production&Services, Household Goods, Electronics & Electrical Equipment, Banks, Construction&Machinery, Pharmaceuticals, Insurance. 34% of DOPOMOGA GROUP clients with revenues exceeding 26 billion dollars are American enterprises, the clients with headquarters in European countries constitute 47%.
The operation territory of DOPOMOGA GROUP is Ukraine, Moldova, Russia.
DOPOMOGA GROUP is your career influencer
1. Permanent staffing
- Service of advertising of vacant position
- Assestment of candidates
- Management of candidates
- Search and selection of experts
- Reference checks
- Contact to candidates on behalf of the customer
2. Outplacement in one day
3. Salary survey
4. Temporary staffing
5. IT Recruiting
6. HR Administration