Blasting News is a new disruptive concept of journalism - where every voice matters - being made by the people, for the people. Established in mid-2013, Blasting News has grown to 100 million monthly unique on-site visitors in 44 months since its launch, the same time needed by Snapchat and 10 months faster than Facebook – a very encouraging league. Thanks to this growth, Blasting News is now the largest global social news platform, or the 150th most visited websites in the world (Alexa Ranking), publishing more than 16,000 video-news and 25,000 written-news each month. Blasting News has readers in five continents and offices in London, New York, Sao Paulo, Milan, Rome, Palermo and Hong Kong.
The news is produced by delocalised freelance contributors (Blasters), fact-checked and curated by a quality team of senior professionals. Furthermore, the news is distributed by Social Blasters, a global team of top digital influencers. All the processes are fuelled by the crowd, without any central newsroom - thanks to the extensive use of technology.