API key Sign up for a reed.co.uk API Key

Jobs - Search - Parameter

This API runs a search of all the jobs on the reed site and returns a list of jobs which match the parameters.

Criteria Name Possible Values
employerId id of employer posting job
employerProfileId profile id of employer posting job
keywords any search keywords
locationName the location of the job
distanceFromLocation distance from location name in miles (default is 10)
permanent true/false
contract true/false
temp true/false
partTime true/false
fullTime true/false
minimumSalary lowest possible salary e.g. 20000
maximumSalary highest possible salary e.g. 30000
postedByRecruitmentAgency true/false
postedByDirectEmployer true/false
graduate true/false
resultsToTake maximum number of results to return (defaults and is limited to 100 results)
resultsToSkip number of results to skip (this can be used with resultsToTake for paging)


Only one of employerId and employerProfileId can be set. Profile Id will be selected over Employer Id. Not all employers have a profile and therefore do not have a profile id.

Jobs - Search - Returns

List of jobs matching the criteria. Each job contains the following information:

Job Id
Employer Id
Employer Name
Employer Profile Id
Job Title
Location Name
Minimum Salary
Maximum Salary


If the job salary has been set as hidden on reed.co.uk, none of the salary information will show.

If a location is used which could apply to more than one place the best match is used for the search and a list of alternatives is provided.

Jobs - Search - Implementation

Use the following url structure to access the API::

https://www.reed.co.uk/api/{versionnumber}/search?keywords={keywords}&loc ationName={locationName}&employerId={employerId}&distanceFromLocation={distance in miles}

Follow this structure for each parameter you wish to search with.

If you do not want to use any of these parameters simply leave them out. e.g


If no jobs match the search parameters an empty list will be returned. If there is more than one location match, these will also be returned.


You will need to include your api key for all requests in a basic authentication http header as the username, leaving the password empty.

Jobs - Details - Parameter

This API requires the id of the job.

Jobs - Details - Returns

The details of the requested job. Each job contains the following information:

Employer Id
Employer Name
Job Title
Job Description
Location Name
Minimum Salary
Maximum Salary
Yearly Minimum Salary
Yearly Maximum Salary
Salary Type (per hour, per day, per week, per month, per annum)
ContractType (permanent, contract, temporary)
Job Type (Full Time/Part Time)
Expiration Date
External Url (for jobs with the application on an external site)
Url to job on reed.co.uk


If the job salary has been set as hidden on reed.co.uk, none of the salary information will show.

Jobs - Details - Implementation

Use the following url to access this API:

https://www.reed.co.uk/api/{version number}/jobs/{Job Id} e.g. https://www.reed.co.uk/api/1.0/jobs/132

If no jobs match a blank job will be returned.


You will need to include your api key for all requests in a basic authentication http header as the username, leaving the password empty.