2 Prolifics Testing Jobs

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Prolifics Testing jobs

Software Testing Consultancy

Prolifics Testing is a specialist IT consultancy with a total focus in software testing - automation, performance, consultancy and training.

We deliver high quality, flexible software QA and testing services - supporting our clients with outsourced testing on demand, digital transformation, business as usual and specialist test…

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Sales Support

3 January by Prolifics Inc

Sales Support Prolifics Testing is an independent, specialist IT consultancy with a total focus in software testing. We provide QA and testing service...

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Test Manager (Consultant)

3 January by Prolifics Inc

Experienced Test Manager needed with good technical skills, team management and UAT experience, for N London office and client-based assignments, pred...

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Test Manager (Consultant)

3 January by Prolifics Inc

Experienced Test Manager needed with good technical skills, team management and UAT experience, for N London office and client-based assignments, predominantly in the London area. Work will require working with clients in multiple domains, including ...

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Sales Support

3 January by Prolifics Inc

Sales Support Prolifics Testing is an independent, specialist IT consultancy with a total focus in software testing. We provide QA and testing services and training solutions to a range of clients across the UK. We are now seeking an enthusiastic ind...

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