Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools level 2 Certificate
Study House
- Exam(s) / assessment(s) is included in price
- Tutor is available to students
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The course is available to learners who are working within a school, particularly in the role of a Teaching Assistant, Classroom Assistant or Learning Support Assistant. It is a fully recognised qualifcation designed to provide learning support staff with the essential knowledge and skil to perform effectively in a variety of roles. It is a competence based qualification which requires students to be employed in a school setting or to have placement.
Level 2 Certificate in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools
The course is designed for home study or distance learning and is comprised of comprehensive printed course notes presented in an A4 ring binder, together with course assignments and study guide. Tutor support and a student helpline facility are integral to the course, and students have a full 12 months in which to complete their studies. Actual study time will be of the order of 300 hours (incluing an in-school placement of a minimum of 50 hourse)
The course is divided up into 11 study units, each with one tutor marked assignment to be completed. Each assignment contains approx 8-10 written tasks to be completed which are then submitted to a subject tutor for marking. Some tasks require evidence of practical skills observed in the classroom by a supervising member of school staff. Where required assignments can be re-submitted after amendment in the event that the assessment standards are not full met on first submission.
The course consists of 11 units:
1 Understand schools and colleges as organisations
2 Understand children and young people’s development
3 Safeguarding children and young people
4 Equality, diversity and inclusion in a learning environment for children
5 Maintain relationships with children and young people
6 Support the health and safety of children and young people
7 Support positive behaviour in a learning environment for children and young people
8 Contribute to teamwork in a learning environment
9 Understand children and young people’s play and leisure
10 Promote an effective learning environment
11 Provide displays in a learning environment
Who is this course for?
The course aims to enable learners to understand the roles and responsibilities of those involved in supporting teaching and learning in schools, and provides an opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge required to do this effectively and in a self-directed way. It prepares learners to support the Teacher and the delivery of curriculum within a school, as well as developing skills to help children and young people to develop self-esteem, independence and skills for learning. It seeks to further develop professional and technical skills and knowledge, and an understanding of the importance of positive relationships within a school.
Consequently it is ideally suited to support staff wishing to develop and gain recognition for their knowledge and skills in supporting teaching & learning.
There are no study pre-requirements as the course is intended for learners who have not studied this topic beforehand. Students will however require an in-school placement of a minimum of 50 hours, and must be supervised by a qualificed teacher willing to attest to a range of activities undertaken by the learner.
Career path
The qualification is designed for a range of learning support staff in schools wishing to formalise their knowledge and skill and operate as classroom or teaching assistant. It provides a stepping stone to level 3 study and to the requirements of sstaff wishing to apply for HLTA status.
Questions and answers
Hi i have some classroom experience but not currently , can i still do this course ? How do i approach a school to get some experience ?
Answer:The practical experience in school needs to be in the present in order to be able to undertake activities which demonstrate the knowledge and skill required by the course assessments. Many schools welcome volunteer learning support staff and make placements available to people studying for a recognised qualification. Usually writing to a few local schools will lead to an invitation to discuss an offer of volunteering.
This was helpful.I do not have any prior experience in teaching / in a support role. Can I still apply? Do I have to volunteer in a school while pursuing this course.
Answer:Thank you for your query. No previous experience is required as the course study pack contains all of the information needed (apart from reseraching schoool policies for example). Provided that you have a school placement in which to gather practical evidence of teaching support then you will have everything required to complete this qualification. Regards,
This was helpful.I am currently volunteering with a primary school and completed more than 100 hours. Will this count towards the 50 hours in-school placement?
Answer:You may count some of these hours but the important thing is that you are in a placement where you can gather evidence of practical skills which is likely to require 50 hours or more whilst you are completing the course.
This was helpful.
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This course is advertised on by the Course Provider, whose terms and conditions apply. Purchases are made directly from the Course Provider, and as such, content and materials are supplied by the Course Provider directly. Reed is acting as agent and not reseller in relation to this course. Reed's only responsibility is to facilitate your payment for the course. It is your responsibility to review and agree to the Course Provider's terms and conditions and satisfy yourself as to the suitability of the course you intend to purchase. Reed will not have any responsibility for the content of the course and/or associated materials.