Sage 50 Accounts Training Course
Pitman Training Essex and Suffolk
- Exam(s) / assessment(s) is included in price
- Tutor is available to students
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Central London
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2 St Johns Court, Moulsham Street
United Kingdom
Lansdowne Road
United Kingdom
12 Northgate Street
United Kingdom
Gain the knowledge and confidence to record and carry out bookkeeping processes using Sage 50 Accounts in the workplace.
Newly updated content for Making Tax Digital.
Getting to grips with the latest version of Sage will help you impress potential employers and you’ll gain skills that are immediately applicable to the workplace.
This course also supports completion of the AAT Foundation Using Accounting Software module.
This course is delivered as 13 x 2-hour modules that introduce the functionality of the software and help you gain familiarity through a range of work-like practical exercises using real versions of the software.
Read on for full course content:
Module 1 – Navigating the software, setting up company details, setting up the financial year, setting the program date, entering customer details and opening balances, entering supplier details and opening balances, backing up work, security and protection of data.
Module 2 – Restoring data, ledgers and double-entries in Sage, opening assets, liabilities and capital balances, budgets, opening balances in the nominal ledger, routine reports.
Module 3 – Stock adjustments in, supplier invoices for goods and services, batch supplier invoices, error corrections, amending records.
Module 4 – Create customer invoices, preview and print customer invoices, check on activity in customer accounts, update ledgers, generate customer letters, check communication history, enter new product details.
Module 5 – Enter customer receipts for invoiced items, enter customer receipts for non-invoiced items, enter customer receipts for part-payments, check the activity of account after part payment, produce statements for customers, use the diary feature.
Module 6 – Process payments made against supplier invoices, process bank payments, enter petty cash payments, restore the petty cash float, use the journal to correct errors, the structure of nominal accounts, new nominal accounts, trial balance.
Module 7 – Reconcile monthly bank statements, print and view bank reports and day books, reports criteria, audit trail, correct basic entry errors, reconciling debtors and creditors control accounts.
Module 8 – Deleting obsolete records, memorise and recall features for invoices, prompt payment discounts, credit notes for sales and purchases, processing stock returns.
Module 9 – Payments on account, entering prompt payment discounts, entering bank receipts, memorise and recall with bank receipts, recurring entries, update journals for December.
Module 10 – Adding users with restricted access, create a new product package, create a bill of materials, perform a stocktake, produce special price lists, create a delivery address.
Module 11 – Deleting a price list, sales orders, updating the ledgers, adding a carriage charge, allocating stock, place holds on orders, cancel orders.
Module 12 – Purchase orders, marking purchase orders as “delivered”, updating the ledger, purchase order alternate address (drop-shipping), part-delivery of an order, cancelling orders.
Module 13 – VAT returns, trial balance, management accounts, budgets vs. actuals, year-end procedure, AAT certification information.
Who is this course for?
This is a must-do course for anyone wanting to enhance their career working in accounts in roles such as Accounts Assistant, Finance Assistant or Bookkeeper; and small business owners who manage their own financial records.
Before starting this course we would recommend you already have a good, working knowledge of manual bookkeeping processes.
Career path
This certification can help you gain roles such as Accounts Assistant, Finance Assistant, Sales Ledger Clerk, Bookkeeper.
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This course is advertised on by the Course Provider, whose terms and conditions apply. Purchases are made directly from the Course Provider, and as such, content and materials are supplied by the Course Provider directly. Reed is acting as agent and not reseller in relation to this course. Reed's only responsibility is to facilitate your payment for the course. It is your responsibility to review and agree to the Course Provider's terms and conditions and satisfy yourself as to the suitability of the course you intend to purchase. Reed will not have any responsibility for the content of the course and/or associated materials.