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4.3 (23 reviews)

About us

T. Hema: - Independent researcher. She holds a Ph.D. In Computer Science from Anna University, India, and has been certified in the Data Science Specialization by IBM. Hema has 10 years of teaching experience in undergraduate and postgraduate programs in Computer Science. She has handled Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Data Structures, Java, J2EE, and MySQL. She has authored a book chapter on Quantum Computing - Significance on Multidimensional Data in the Handbook of  Quantum Computing for Smart Environments, IGI Global Publications. She serves as a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, the International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence, the International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, the International Journal of Decision Support System Technology, and as an ad-hoc reviewer in the International Journal of Software Science and Computational Intelligence, IGI Global Publications, Pennsylvania, USA. 

Creative Head: S. Sanjana

Why choose us

Data Science is the most sought-after field and there is so much demand for a Data Scientist. R is the most popular and extensive data analytics tool for data science that enables decision-making in practically any domain. So this course covers the R language and teaches how to organize data in a dataset and graph plotting to interpret the data.  You don't need any prior programming knowledge, though if one has the background it's much easier. Are you ready to explore the R language?. Get started right away. 

Provider reviews

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