Loben Aviation Ltd
About us
Having a background in Leadership in the Aviation business, we are a team of the most appropriately experienced and expertized professionals in Organisational Development and Improvement. We specialize in the use of Non-Technical Skills derived from the practical application of Human Factors in the following areas:
- COST REDUCTION - We work with you to effectively identify and manage the seemingly innocuous but more damaging corporate trends which often lead to indirect costs.
- TRAINING MANAGEMENT - We partner with you to develop, initiate and manage relevant and pragmatic training programs which are specifically suited to the needs of your organisation
- CORPORATE STABILITY - Loben ensures your business remains viable by developing an innate culture of ownership – the basis upon which costly corporate technical systems may thrive.
- RESEARCH AND EVALUATION - Snap-shot audits do not paint an accurate picture of the true health of an organisation. We carry out non-threatening and phased company evaluations
Why choose us
Loben partners with you to take your business operations to the next level.
We assist you to attain and maintain your position as an industry leader by developing your proactive systems which do more than merely provide solutions to problems.
Leveraging off our vast experience in harnessing Human Behavioural Skills, we establish systems that take both the curative and preventative approaches to addressing your corporate concerns.