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Learning Point

3.6 (5 reviews)

About us

A tried-and-true resource for ongoing learners is Learning Point. You need to gain more information and experience in your area of concentration if you want to set yourself apart from the competitors. In this location, you can choose from a selection of online, self-paced courses. Enroll right away to begin learning with us.

Why choose us

How have past students found our courses?

  • "Easy to digest and very informative"
  • "Good course, good value for money, really happy"
  • "This online course is very easy to follow with its layout and you can literally take it at your own pace. Highly recommend doing it" 

Support Network

The support students receive during the course is second to none. Experienced tutors are available to answer your queries or explain topics in more detail if you need further clarification. Learning Point is there to provide all the support that you need to succeed.

Provider reviews

Provider rating

{{ getTruncatedSinglePointScore(item.OverallCourseRating) }} Star Review by {{ item.ReviewerName }} for {{ item.Title }}

{{ getLongDate(item.CreatedOn) }}
{{ item.Title }}
Reviewed by {{ item.ReviewerName }}
|Purchased {{ getHumanisedPassageOftime(item.PurchasedOn) }}
{{ item.ProviderName }} responded to this review
{{ getLongDate(item.ProviderResponseDate) }}
{{ results.length }} out of {{ totalResultsCount }} reviews