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CIFA Education Management Ltd

4.3 (1 reviews)

About us

The Certified Institute for Further Accreditation (CIFA) is a member of the CPD, offering online training that develops fully supported professional certifications, tailored to highly specialist fields of employment. Our level 4 certifications are designed to enable students to develop a basic knowledge of their specialist field prior to sitting professional certifications by awarding bodies. We focus on hard to enter niche industries including finance, languages, health and business-related topics. We work with academics from universities worldwide and industry experts to author our certifications programmes and pride ourselves on our dedication to the development of our students.

Why choose us

Whether you are looking to get a toe in the door of your chosen profession or for continuing professional development to help you progress your career, CIFA is committed to helping you.

Our online courses allow you to study at your own pace with no deadline for completion. Students can study and also take their exams in the comfort of their  homes, study areas or even local libraries.


Provider reviews

Provider rating

{{ getTruncatedSinglePointScore(item.OverallCourseRating) }} Star Review by {{ item.ReviewerName }} for {{ item.Title }}

{{ getLongDate(item.CreatedOn) }}
{{ item.Title }}
Reviewed by {{ item.ReviewerName }}
|Purchased {{ getHumanisedPassageOftime(item.PurchasedOn) }}
{{ item.ProviderName }} responded to this review
{{ getLongDate(item.ProviderResponseDate) }}
{{ results.length }} out of {{ totalResultsCount }} reviews