Brotzen Mayne Ltd
About us
Brotzen Mayne is a communication consultancy specialising in large, complex change management programmes. We support the communications processes for global and national organisations by developing communication strategies and implementing them effectively.
The course is presented by David Brotzen an award-winning communication professional who has many years of experience advising national and global businesses on communication. His experience includes more than 10 years front-line experience leading the communication of complex change programmes.
He has worked in-house and in consultancy as a senior member of the change management project team for global organisations including Aberdeen Standard Life: BP: British Gas: GSK: RBS; Serco and Shell.
Why choose us
Brotzen Mayne adopts a clear, structured approach based on first-hand knowledge. The company is a member of The CPD Certification Service, and provides accredited training, workshops and events suitable for Continuing Professional Development
Brotzen Mayne has developed an on-line training course: We also provide on-line communication consultancy, mentoring and bespoke training courses.