Principles of Financial Accounting certification course
Financial Accounting
EduOlc Team
- Reed courses certificate of completion - Free
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Financial Accounting is a crucial subject that converts all financial events in a business into figures that managers and other users can use to report, analyze, and make decisions that help them read a company's financial position and forecast future results.
Reed courses certificate of completion
Digital certificate - Included
Will be downloadable when all lectures have been completed
Course media
This course covers accounting fundamentals, which includes the study of internal financial details that can influence decision-making. The course was created to be a perfect complement to those studying Accounting at a professional level. We'll walk you through the theory and show you some examples. The flow of inventory costs will be discussed, as well as the tracking of raw material-related costs, which will flow to work in process and factory overhead, finished products, and finally expensed in the form of cost of goods sold in a process cost system. This course is designed to introduce students to current cost accounting theories and practices in order for them to be able to use accounting data in business planning and management. When reporting cost data, these concepts are critical in helping students develop their analytical and critical thinking skills. The goal is to develop students who are enthusiastic about accounting and capable of working in the business world as accountants. These topics will not only save your time, but will also provide you with a fruitful and productive learning experience through the use of audio-visual presentation techniques.
- Methods of Depreciation - In this section we will see Depreciation which is the process of subtracting the total cost of an expensive item you purchased for your company.
- Income and Cash Flow Statement - In this topic we will see the cash flow statement, also known as a statement of cash flows, is a financial statement that tracks a company's cash sources and uses over time. The income statement is a financial statement that shows a company's financial performance over time, such as revenues, expenses, profits, and losses.
- Accelerated Depreciation - In this topic we will learn the method of accelerated depreciation which is generally used for accounting or income tax purposes.
- Goodwill - In this section we will learn goodwill is an intangible asset created when a buyer purchases an existing business. Goodwill is a term used to describe assets that are not easily identifiable.
Who is this course for?
- Finance students, managers, accountants or anyone who wants to upgrade their skill in the area of accounting.
- Learn this course if you want to understand the principles and concept of costing.
- No prior accounting knowledge is necessary to learn this course.
- Basic fundamentals of Mathematics will help.
Career path
- Finance students, managers, accountants or anyone who wants to upgrade their skill in the area of accounting.
- Learn this course if you want to understand the principles and concept of costing.
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