Preventing Your Brain From Short-Circuiting
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Learn to get out of your own way of success by understanding why you do the things you do from expert executive leadership trainer Carol Marzouk.
Reed courses certificate of completion
Digital certificate - Included
Will be downloadable when all lectures have been completed
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Does my brain lie to me? If you have yet to ask yourself this question, it is time you did. Your brain is like a computer and the programs you have been running have either been working for you or against you. This course equips you with the understanding and grace you need to understand why you do things that get in your own way of success, as well as ways to reprogram your computer, aka your brain towards Super Leader Attitudes.
In this course, you will learn:
- How can I manage all the noise in my brain that gets in the way of my being my best?
- What can we do about our false assumptions, judgments, and perceptions that keep getting in the way of reality?
- How can I adopt the Super Leader Attitudes and reframe my limiting beliefs?
Who is this course for?
Any supervisor, manager, or leader
Career path
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