- Certificate of completion - Free
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Learn about how personal branding can help you be seen as an immediate celebrity in your niche!
This course will elevate your status in your industry to stratospheric proportions. People will want to do business with you, trust you more and be more likely to believe your sales pitches.
You can get all that just by following the proven tactics described by Tracy A. Hines. Tracy has years of experience providing a premium service in which he does everything for his clients to get them to celebrity status. And now, we are excited to present this course to you. In this course you get his secrets and tactics for a much cheaper price than his service!
- Gain immediate celebrity status
- Make a Big Name for yourself in your industry, and gain respect and visibility
- Understand the Authority Wheel
- Use media to attract attention, and learn how to master LinkedIn
- Brand yourself on Amazon, in digital magazines, on social networking sites and publish a book in your niche
- Create a personal brand with an aura!
Who is this course for?
- Professionals, entrepreneurs, business owners
- People who want to take their careers to the next level
Lectures – over 25
Videos – 2.5 hours
Language – English
Requirements – English competence
Certificate of completion
Digital certificate - Included
Part 1 – Introduction
Instructor Introduction
Course Introduction
Part 2 – The Authority Wheel
Authority Wheel Mindset Introduction
Authority Wheel Concept Introduction
Building Your Story – get yourself liked and trusted
Authority presswire press release
Content marketing on large publications
Anyone can be a bestselling author
Part 3 – The Media
Become the Editor and Chief of your own digital magazine
Podcasting and your own media channel
Website and media page
Media Hacks: Become a CNN or USAToday Contributor
A Strategy for LinkedIn
Reiterating the Power of Micro-specialisation
Part 4 – Using Amazon
Introduction to Amazon
How to write an ebook even if you are a really bad writer!
Amazon SEO
Categories and Search on Amazon
The Ranking Factor
Bright Logos and book covers
Use the Kindle Countdown
Free promotional strategies for Kindle
What it takes to be a bestseller
Bestseller Strategies – what I did to become a 3 time bestseller!
Part 5 – Conclusion
Parting Words
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