PERL Scripting Instructor-led Training
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Uplatz offers comprehensive training on PERL Scripting. This is instructor-led online course.
PERL Scripting core-to-advanced level assignments will be provided for each and every session More Hands on Sessions than theoretical sessions with Presentation Queries will be clarified during session and post session as well
Uplatz Certificate of Completion
Digital certificate - Included
Course Completion Certificate by Uplatz
Course media
- Course Syllabus - Perl Scripting - download
PERL Scripting Course Curriculum
Lesson - 1
- Introduction to PERL
- Comments
- Reading from Standard Input
- Writing to Standard Output
- Scalar Variables – Numbers and Strings
- Use of Single Quotes and Double Quotes
- Escape Sequence and its Usage
- Use of ‘chop’ and ‘chomp’ functions
Lesson - 2
- Conditional Statements
- Simple IF Statements
- Simple IF … ELSE Statements
- Multilevel IF … ELSE Statements
- Looping Statements
- FOR Loop
- WHILE Loop
- DO … WHILE Loop
- DO … UNTIL Loop
Lesson - 3
- Additional Control Statements
- UNLESS Statements
- UNTIL Statements
- Loop Control Statements
- LAST statement
- NEXT statement
- REDO statement
- CONTINUE statement
- Command Line Arguments
Lesson - 4
- Arithmetic Operators
- Comparison Operators – Numbers and Strings
- Logical Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Concatenation Operators
- Conditional Operators
- String Repetition Operators
Lesson - 5
- Array Variables
- Definition
- Accessing the Elements of an Array Variable
- String Substitution
- Ranges and Expressions
- Copying Arrays
- Array within Array
Lesson - 6
- Arrays – contd..
- Size and Maximum Index of an Array
- Using Array Slices
- Reading an Array from Standard Input
- PUSH function
- POP function
- SHIFT function
- UNSHIFT function
- REVERSE function
- SORT function
- Splitting and Merging the Arrays
Lesson - 7
- File Handling
- Opening and Closing a File
- Different types of File Modes
- Reading the contents from file
- Use of ‘die’ and ‘warn’ statements
- Reading file to array variables
- Writing the contents to the file
- Standard error file
Lesson - 8
- File Handling – contd..
- Status of a File
- File Test Operators
- Introduction to Hash Variables
- Definition of Hash Variables
- Accessing the Hash Variables
Lesson - 9
- Hashes – contd..
- Adding the elements to the Hash Variable
- Removing the elements from the Hash Variable
- KEYS function
- VALUES function
- EACH function
- EXISTS function
- DELETE function
Lesson - 10
- Subroutines
- Defining and Invoking a Subroutine
- Forward Referencing
- Passing parameters to the Subroutine
- Returning a Value from Subroutine
- BEGIN predefined function
- END predefined function
- AUTOLOAD predefined function
Lesson - 11
- Use of 'strict' pragma
- Defining the scope of Variables – MY, OUR and LOCAL
Lesson - 12
- Regular Expressions
- Pattern Matching
- Binding Operator (Match Operator)
- Use of Meta characters
- Anchors
- Alternatives
Lesson - 13
- Regular Expressions – Contd.,
- Character Range Escape Sequences
- Understanding $`, $’ and $&
- Quantifiers
- Specifying Choices
- Reusing Portions of Patterns
- Pattern Sequence Scalar Variables
Lesson - 14
- Regular Expressions – contd..
- Pattern Matching Options
- Finding the Match Location
- Substitution Operator
- Translation Operator
Lesson - 15
- Introduction to References
- Using the Backslash Operators
- References to Subroutines
- Special Array Indices
- Use of Default Variables – '$_' and '@_'
Lesson - 16
- Concepts
- Arrays of Arrays
- Arrays of Hashes
- Hashes of Hashes
- Hashes of Arrays
Lesson - 17
- Understanding Packages and Libraries
- “use” and “require” functions
- %INC and @INC Variables
- Concepts of Modularity
Lesson - 18
- Process Management
- “system” function and interacting with the shell
- “exec” function
- %ENV hash variable
- Use of back quotes
Lesson - 19
- Database Access using DBI Module
- DBI Architecture
- Notations and Conventions
- Database Connection
- INSERT Operation and using BIND values
- SELECT Operation and using BIND values
Lesson - 20
- DBI Module – Contd.,
- UPDATE Operation and using BIND values
- DELETE statement
- Using “do” statement
- COMMIT Operation
- ROLLBACK Operation
- Automatic Error Handling
- Disconnecting Database
- Using NULL values
Lesson - 21
- Introduction to PERL OOPS
- Working with Objects
- Turning tasks into OO Programs
- OOPS Terminologies
- Creating own classes
- ‘REF’ Operator
- ‘BLESS’ Method
- Storing Attributes
Lesson - 22
- Creating Constructor
- Considering Inheritance
- Providing Attributes
- Creating Methods
- Distinguishing class and object methods
- Get-Set Methods
- Class Attributes
Lesson - 23
- Privatizing the Methods
- Utility Methods
- Destructor
- Complete Class
- Adding new methods
- Overriding methods
Who is this course for?
Anyone who wants to become a PERL Scripting Developer
Passion and determination to achieve your goals!
Career path
- PERL Scripting Developer/Programmer
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This course is advertised on by the Course Provider, whose terms and conditions apply. Purchases are made directly from the Course Provider, and as such, content and materials are supplied by the Course Provider directly. Reed is acting as agent and not reseller in relation to this course. Reed's only responsibility is to facilitate your payment for the course. It is your responsibility to review and agree to the Course Provider's terms and conditions and satisfy yourself as to the suitability of the course you intend to purchase. Reed will not have any responsibility for the content of the course and/or associated materials.