Moving into management - taking on your first management role
Open Programme and Group Training available
Itec training solutions Ltd
- Certificate of Completion - Free
- Tutor is available to students
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This two-day management training course has been specifically designed for people who are embarking on a new role in management. It will increase your understanding of the manager's role, and leave you with a development plan for gaining further management skills.
Want us to deliver this course at your organisation? Contact us for a bespoke quote.
Please note our Standard Private course price is £1468.80 Incl VAT. Our Not for Profit price is £1309.20 Incl VAT.
Please enquire for course dates.
Certificate of Completion
Digital certificate - Included
Management Training Courses in London
This training course helps new managers gain confidence and skills. It focuses particularly on the crucial people skills that you need to supervise and motivate your team. We will work on group members’ own issues, as well as prepared case studies, in a confidential and supportive setting. Over the two days you will cover:
- the manager’s role: key management responsibilities
- leadership and management
- planning ahead: principles, tools and strategies
- motivating and managing individuals
- performance management systems: induction, appraisal and supervision
- offering effective and appropriate feedback
- the art of delegation
- leading your team
- management and leadership styles
- good communications: verbal and non-verbal messages
- the importance of good listening skills
- managing with assertiveness
- time management
- your current management issues and difficulties
- a year of free support
"I found over the two days I learned some new ways of approaching difficult situations, using strategies for building team morale, motivating employees and project planning tips. I think the half-day session is really valuable to have after having some time to reflect and implement strategies learned on the first two days." BN, College of Occupational Therapists
Still not sure if this is the right course for you? Why not take a look at our top tips for managers, which will give you a taste of the course content as well as some free, handy advice!
Who is this course for?
Our Moving into management course is for anyone stepping on the first rung of the management ladder. They may recently have taken up a post, or be about to do so. Others with more experience but no formal training will also find the course rewarding.
"It was a really enjoyable two days, and I came away feeling that I had a lot of practical tools that I could start applying immediately." - A.D, Director of Cultural Programmes, Arcadia
"great trainer - taught me plenty of new skills while always backing them up with credible theory, all while inviting discussion."- A.B, Senior Comms Officer, RCVS Knowledge
I feel a lot more confident with how to approach management in the future. - J.G, Management Accountant, Mount Green Housing Association
This course is for new managers, or those who are about to step on to the first rung of the management ladder.
Career path
Each day includes some whole group sessions, but the emphasis is on practical exercises in groups, pairs and on your own. The course offers many opportunities to work on your own real-life management problems, in a supportive and totally confidential environment.
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Legal information
This course is advertised on by the Course Provider, whose terms and conditions apply. Purchases are made directly from the Course Provider, and as such, content and materials are supplied by the Course Provider directly. Reed is acting as agent and not reseller in relation to this course. Reed's only responsibility is to facilitate your payment for the course. It is your responsibility to review and agree to the Course Provider's terms and conditions and satisfy yourself as to the suitability of the course you intend to purchase. Reed will not have any responsibility for the content of the course and/or associated materials.