Managing a Sales Team - 2 Hour Virtual Training Masterclass
Practical Training for Professionals
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Successfully leading a sales team relies on your ability to motivate them into achieving sales targets. By understanding different people are motivated in different ways you can better understand your team and improve performance.
09.00 – 09.20: Understanding motivation and how it links to performance
09.20 – 09.45: Managing performance
09.45 – 09.55: Coffee Break
09.55 – 10.20: Developing clear communication within the team and remote working
10.20 – 11.00: Coaching – what it is and what it isn’t
• Learn how to motivate individuals to develop their potential
• Create KPI’s to match individuals skills and needs of the team
• Identify how to communicate effectively (both in-house and remote teams)
• Understand the principles of coaching.
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