IC72 Government Data Protection Regulation
PNC Learning
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Accredited for 1 CE Credit Hour by BC, AB, SK, MB, RIBO
RIBO Category: Management
Insurance Council of Saskatchewan Approved Ethics Course
If you work with international insurers or Lloyd's of London, you'll need to know about and comply with the GDPR (Government Data Protection Regulation).
Introduced in the European Union (EU) in 2018, GDPR is rapidly becoming the global "gold standard" for privacy legislation and many jurisdictions around the world are enacting similar legislation. Learning about this means you'll be ahead of the curve when it comes to information security and proper handling of client information.
This course will cover:
- Canadian Federal & Provincial privacy legislation (PIPEDA, Privacy Act, Personal Information Act, etc.)
- Discuss GDPR in detail and how it compares to existing Canadian legislation
- Its impact on business and Cyber Liability insurance
- Complying with GDPR
- etc.
Students must pass the final exam before a certificate will be issued.
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