Highfield Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (RQF)
Harpar Qualifications Ltd
- Exam(s) / assessment(s) is included in price
- Tutor is available to students
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This qualification is intended for those who assess both occupational competence in the work environment and vocational skills, knowledge and understanding in a workshop, classroom or other training environment other than assessing competence in a work environment. There must be evidence to cover all of the assessment methods listed in the units.
The objective of the qualification is to support a role in the workplace.
Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement (RQF)
This qualification is intended for those who assess both occupational competence in the work environment and vocational skills, knowledge and understanding in a workshop, classroom or other training environment other than assessing competence in a work environment. There must be evidence to cover all of the assessment methods listed in the units.
The objective of the qualification is to support a role in the workplace.
To complete this qualification you will need to;
Complete 3 units
1.Understanding the principles and practices of assessment - Assessed via written assignment only
2.Assess occupational competence in the work environment - Assessed by written assignment, completed assessor forms, communications and plan with observations
3. Assess vocational skills, knowledge and understanding - Assessed by written assignment, completed assessor forms, feedback to learners and communications with observations
There must be evidence of the trainee assessor carrying out at least two assessments of two learner’s occupational competence (four assessments in total).
Who is this course for?
To become a qualified Assessor
Passion for learning
Career path
Questions and answers
If you do not have your own assessor can you provide one - is an additional cost for this ? Also is there an additional fee for the certificate ?
Answer:Yes we can provide an assessor The fee is fully inclusive
This was helpful.As the course is distance learning, please could you explain how the observation is carried out.
Answer:You will need to send in evidence of you standards, assessment, feedback with a video of your observation
This was helpful.Will you be able to provide two learners to assess?
Answer:Yes we can
This was helpful.
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