Graphic Design & Web Design 2020 Master Bundle
24x7 Online Unlimited Access For 12 Months
Learning 247
- Exam(s) / assessment(s) not included in price, and must be purchased separately
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Our Graphic Design & Web Design 2018 Master Bundle brings you a wide range of courses to walk you through every aspect of graphic and web design. We cover all the key Adobe software packages, as well as HTML, CSS, JavaScript & JQuery.
Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) – Adobe Photoshop : Illustrator : InDesign : Dreamweaver : Plus many others
This Bundle includes all of the following Courses:
Graphic Design
- The Ultimate Guide on How to Become a Designer
- Illustrator CC 2017: UI & Web Design
- Illustrator CC Masterclass Part 1
- Illustrator CC Masterclass Part 2
- Illustrator CS6: Essentials
- Illustrator CS6: Advanced
- Photoshop & Illustrator: Adobe Typographic Poster Design – From Sketch to Vector
- Photoshop & WordPress: Parallax Slider Design – Make Your Website Come to Life
- Photoshop CC – Prepare for the Adobe Certified Expert Exam
- Photoshop CC Masterclass, Part 1
- Photoshop CC Masterclass, Part 2
- Photoshop CS6 Extended: Essentials
- Photoshop Essential Skills for Designers: Making Selections of People
- Photoshop, InDesign & Illustrator Essential Skills for Designers: Masking
- Photoshop, InDesign & Illustrator Essential Skills for Designers: Mastering the Pen Tool
- Photoshop, InDesign & Illustrator Essential Skills for Designers: Working with Type
- Premiere Pro CC & Dreamweaver CC: Create a Background Video Website
- InDesign Essential Skills for Designers: Images in InDesign
- InDesign CC Essentials
- InDesign CS6: Essentials
Web Design
- Dreamweaver CC
- Dreamweaver CC: Coding for Designers
- Dreamweaver CS6: Essentials
- Adobe CS6 Design & Web Workflow
- Edge Animate: Essentials
- Edge Animate: Advanced
- Flash Professional CS6: Essentials
- Muse
- Muse CC: Create a Responsive Website
Programming & Coding
- CSS & XHTML for Web Development
- HTML, CSS & JavaScript Foundations
- jQuery: Learn by Example
* BONUS - Titles Include All Project Files to Work Along with the Instructor
Learn anytime, anywhere, at home or on the go.
Stream your training via the internet, or download to your computer and supported mobile device, including iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch and most Android devices.
Who is this course for?
Anyone looking to build a wide base of technical understanding in the fields of graphic & web design.
Career path
Graphic & web designers, plus anyone using these packages regularly as part of their work.
Questions and answers
Do you need any prior experience of using these packages?
Answer:No, it starts you off right at the beginning and assumes no previous experience.
This was helpful.Do you recieve student discount with this course
Answer:Unfortunately online courses do not qualify for the TOTUM Student Discount Card.
This was helpful.Do I need to re-buy Photoshop? have lost it with the last costings?
Answer:Hi Rosita, we do not provide the Adobe software. These are the training courses only. We recommend having access to the software so you can practice along with the instructor.
This was helpful.
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This course is advertised on by the Course Provider, whose terms and conditions apply. Purchases are made directly from the Course Provider, and as such, content and materials are supplied by the Course Provider directly. Reed is acting as agent and not reseller in relation to this course. Reed's only responsibility is to facilitate your payment for the course. It is your responsibility to review and agree to the Course Provider's terms and conditions and satisfy yourself as to the suitability of the course you intend to purchase. Reed will not have any responsibility for the content of the course and/or associated materials.