From Traditional to Digital Drawing
Learn how to transition from the pencil and paper to the world of digital graphics
- Reed courses certificate of completion - Free
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Through this course you will learn how to transition step by step from the traditional way of drawing to the digital one.
Reed courses certificate of completion
Digital certificate - Included
Will be downloadable when all lectures have been completed
Course media
You will go through the following sections:
Phase I - First Transition (Scanning your drawings, creating a digital artboard)
Phase II - The Lineart (Creating and optimizing a digital Lineart)
Phase III - Coloring (Adding the solid color foundation to the drawing)
Phase IV - Shadows and Highlights (Adding shadows and highlights components to the drawing)
Phase V - Fancy Background (Create an abstract background from scratch for your drawing)
Phase VI - Exporting (Export your drawing as a highly resoluted image)
Bonus - Draw Digitally from the start (Create a digital draft/sketch)
Assignment (Create your very first digital drawings)
The concept of LWP is to allow students to be operational as quickly as possible, while at the same time learning tools they have never previously used. We believe that it's by using a tool that you learn what it exactly does and not by simply describing its purpose.
Through this tutorial you will learn for example how to manipulate the pen tool on Adobe Illustrator, and the brush tool on Adobe Photoshop.
Files: https: //drive .google .com /drive/folders/1TB4RmFeN6ZSzpORikgqTLokPD2H5EViM?usp=sharing
(Omit the spaces)
Questions and answers
What software and minimum hardware spec would I need to undertake this course?
Answer:Hello, this requires Adobe Illustrator. You can check the minimum specs requirements for Adobe Illustrator on Adobe's website
This was helpful.
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This course is advertised on by the Course Provider, whose terms and conditions apply. Purchases are made directly from the Course Provider, and as such, content and materials are supplied by the Course Provider directly. Reed is acting as agent and not reseller in relation to this course. Reed's only responsibility is to facilitate your payment for the course. It is your responsibility to review and agree to the Course Provider's terms and conditions and satisfy yourself as to the suitability of the course you intend to purchase. Reed will not have any responsibility for the content of the course and/or associated materials.