- Certificate of completion - Free
- Tutor is available to students
Do you feel confident in your knowledge of food allergens? Do you know how to respond in case of an allergic reaction and how to avoid cross contamination? If the answer is no, then let us guide you with our course that has been specifically developed to enhance your knowledge in these areas.
You will learn the importance of informing customers of allergens in both pre-packed, and loose foods according to the new regulations and also essential information on dealing with allergens when preparing, serving and selling food. The course has been designed to comply with the new Food Labelling Regulations – EC1169/2011.
Über den Kurs
Der Lebensmittelallergen Kurs wurde für jeden der in der Gastronomie oder im Gastgewerbe arbeitet entworfen.
Der Kurs deckt wesentliche Informationen über den Umgang mit Allergenen beim Zubereiten, Servieren und Verkaufen von Essen ab und wurde entwickelt um die neuen Lebensmittel-Kennzeichnungsvorschriften – EC1169/2011 zu befolgen.
Sie werden lernen, wie Kunden über Allergene, sowohl in abgepacktem und losem Essen, nach den neuen Regelungen informiert werden müssen, wie Kreuzkontaminationen vermieden werden und was im Falle einer allergischen Reaktion zu tun ist.
Digital certificate - Included
Course Content
The course is presented as a slide show and the content is broken down into simple sections. At the end of each part there are some multiple-choice questions that allow you to test your knowledge before moving on to a new section. Upon completing the course you will need to take the quiz, which consists of 10 multiple-choice questions. You will need to get a minimum of 7 questions right to pass the course and receive your certificate, which you will be able to download immediately in pdf format. Should you fail the quiz you can redo the course as many times as necessary.
Duration and Time Limit
The course takes approximately 2 hours to complete, although there is no time limit and you can do it in your own time and in stages.
After passing the course you can immediately download your pdf certificate, which is fully endorsed by the Institute of Hospitality.
Tutor Support
When you are studying a course, it is always useful to know that you have the help and support of qualified tutor and lecturers who are keen to see you succeed.
With all our courses, you will receive access to our dedicated tutor support service. They will be able to provide you with unlimited online email support to help answer any questions that you may have whilst you are studying the course.
Course Compatibility
All our courses are fully compatible with PC’s, Mac’s, Laptop, Tablet and Smartphone devices.
We know that more and more people are using the web whilst they are on the move, so we have designed our courses to be fully compatible across tablet and smartphone devices. You will be able to access the same content from the course, just over a 3G or 4G network whilst on the move.
Der Kurs wir als eine Dia-Show präsentiert und der Inhalt ist in einfache Abschnitte zerteilt. Am Ende jedes Teils gibt es einige Multiple-Choice Fragen, die Ihnen ermöglichen, Ihr Wissen zu testen, bevor Sie zu einem neuen Abschnitt fortschreiten. Nach Beendung des Kurses müssen Sie das Quiz beantworten, das aus 10 Auswahlantwort-Aufgaben besteht. Sie müssen mindestens 7 Fragen richtig haben um den Kurs zu bestehen und Ihr Zertifikat zu erhalten, was Sie sofort in PDF-Format herunterladen können. Sollten Sie das Quiz nicht bestehen, können Sie den Kurs so oft wie nötig wiederholen.
Dauer und Zeitlimit
Der Kurs nimmt etwa 2 Stunde in Anspruch, obwohl es keine zeitliche Begrenzung gibt und Sie ihn in Ihrer eigenen Zeit und in Teilen machen können.
Nachdem Sie den Kurs bestanden haben können Sie Ihr Zertifikat sofort als PDF herunterladen, was voll von der Institute of Hospitality akkreditiert ist.
The Food Allergens course has been developed for anyone working in the catering and hospitality industry.
Der Lebensmittelallergen Kurs wurde für jeden der in der Gastronomie oder im Gastgewerbe arbeitet entworfen.
There are no entry requirements for this course.
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This course is advertised on Reed.co.uk by the Course Provider, whose terms and conditions apply. Purchases are made directly from the Course Provider, and as such, content and materials are supplied by the Course Provider directly. Reed is acting as agent and not reseller in relation to this course. Reed's only responsibility is to facilitate your payment for the course. It is your responsibility to review and agree to the Course Provider's terms and conditions and satisfy yourself as to the suitability of the course you intend to purchase. Reed will not have any responsibility for the content of the course and/or associated materials.
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